It’s been said that if Frank Sinatra was at a restaurant and the scene was dead, he’d tell one of his goons to trip a waiter, just to create some amusement. Well, this ...
A new report just released by the U.K.’s Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health has recommended England immediately bans the smacking of children in its entirety—bad ...
There’s an old expression that goes, “It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.” My dear departed mother-in-law turned that old saw on its ear and used to say, “Never ...
Too bad the Jewish students being harassed on campuses don't have the Proud Boys around to protect them. They can thank the Anti-Defamation League's Jonathan Greenblatt for making ...
It was nearly 50 years ago that a liberal Congress completely dominated by Democrat big spenders passed a new set of budget rules -- the Congressional Budget and Impoundment ...
Did I ever tell you about the time one elderly Nazi took on and beat the entire U.S. government, the neocons, the military-industrial complex, and Israel? It’s a hell of a ...
Between the kangaroo court show trials of Donald Trump, the continued persecution of the J6 political prisoners, whose fates (and most likely ours too) are tied to his, and the ...
Democracy may not be the silliest idea concocted by man, but for anything larger than a small town, it is crackpot. It consists in the idea that a public, on average knowing ...
Picture your ideal Republican candidate. Would they look something like this? 1. An "anchor baby" (technically, "illegal immigrant"); 2. Parents were illegal aliens from Syria, ...
If the economy is so good, why do small business leaders feel so bad? The latest Small Business Optimism Index from the National Federation of Independent Business could hardly ...
In a column last December, I pointed out that whenever some schizo shoots up a place, and it’s revealed that he left a trail of “red flags” behind, rightists indignantly ...
What’s your definition of bravery? Rushing into a burning building to save a sizzling baby? Holding off an entire platoon of soldiers from capturing your lonely position ...
Inundated by the constant tidal wave of horrible news hitting us here at home, as well as abroad as the world finds itself in the express lane toward a massive regional Middle ...
President Joe Biden keeps lecturing corporate America to "pay your fair share" of taxes. It turns out he's right that some companies really are getting away scot-free from paying ...
Leaders of both parties agree: We must reduce globalization. "China is ripping us on trade," says Donald Trump. Our trade deficit is "an immorality," says Nancy Pelosi. But ...
The Biden administration has announced in recent weeks new stringent emissions requirements for virtually the entire American transportation system. The Environmental Protection ...