This past Tuesday several people were murdered just outside the House of Commons. Killing people outside security barriers makes much better sense for a terrorist than trying to ...
The Fifth French Republic was the creation of General de Gaulle. Contemptuous of what he called the "regime of the parties," which saw weak governments come and go and the ...
"Invent a weapon," Jordan Peterson said on Tuesday, "and your enemies will have it within one generation." He was talking about Gamergate feminist Brianna Wu, who ...
The big losers of the Russian hacking scandal may yet be those who invested all their capital in a script that turned out to based on a fairy tale. In Monday’s Intelligence ...
Last week, Turkish President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄan declared Baby War on Europe. Apparently, 2.5 million Turks currently living in Europe have dual citizenship and are able to ...
Oh, no! Steve King gone done it now! He said, "We can"t restore our civilization with somebody else's babies." Then he doubled down by claiming that blacks and ...
Not long ago, a democratizing Turkey, with the second-largest army in NATO, appeared on track to join the European Union. That’s not likely now, or perhaps ever. Last ...
A lousy fortnight if ever there was one. Two great friends, Lord Belhaven and Stenton and Aleko Goulandris, had their 90th-birthday celebrations, and I missed both shindigs ...
The United Kingdom isn"t as old as most people seem to think it is. In its present form it won"t reach its centenary till 2022"assuming it gets there. It was created ...
To back up Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis’ warning last month, that the U.S. “remains steadfast in its commitment” to its allies, President ...
I"m in Israel right now doing a talk in Tel Aviv called "Trump in Israel" and I"m going on a fact-finding mission sponsored by my Jew boss Ezra Levant. Israelis ...
There's a scene in the 1976 film The Pink Panther Strikes Again in which the nations of the world send their top assassins to eliminate Inspector Clouseau. One by one the ...
At Mar-a-Lago this weekend President Donald Trump was filled “with fury” says The Washington Post, “mad—steaming, raging, mad.” Early Saturday the ...
As far as I can tell, globalism is a scheme concocted by the rich to destroy the working and middle classes through worldwide financial imperialism. I have a strong hunch that ...
As the culture war is about irreconcilable beliefs about God and man, right and wrong, good and evil, and is at root a religious war, it will be with us so long as men are free to ...
Tony Blair sought to return to frontline politics last week with a speech to the Open Britain movement, in which he called on those of us who voted to remain in the European Union ...