Steve Bannon on Line One

I never made it to Zurich but met up with Steve Bannon through the miracle of technology, thanks to my hosts at Weltwoche, the Swiss weekly. They gave him my telephone number and ...

Russia on Earth

“God in heaven, Russia on Earth.” So say the Serbs, who have been programmed to see Russia behind every turn of good fortune. Westerners are now being programmed to see Russia ...

Disaster on the Benighted Continent

Malcolm Horne, a London barrister, has written in very blunt terms regarding the planned land grab in South Africa: “You cannot have land expropriation without compensation. It ...

How Could Anyone Hate the Globalists?

If you oppose globalism in any way, you must be some kind of Nazi. At least that’s the message I’m getting from the slavishly pro-globalist press. It’s long been my ...

Time to Get Over the Russophobia

Unless there is a late surge for Communist Party candidate Pavel Grudinin, who is running second with 7 percent, Vladimir Putin will be re-elected president of Russia for another ...

Roger Cohen

Roger the Dodger

Okay, all you readers: You are weak, easily manipulated, led by the nose to the gutter, susceptible to the devils of your diabolical urges, and mad. In fact you are the ...

The Corporate War on Free Speech

As one of the very few writers whose work resulted in a government-sponsored attempt at censorship, I can say quite confidently that the government is no longer the biggest threat ...

The Eternal Lure of Nationalism

In a surprise overtime victory in the finals of the Olympic men’s hockey tournament, the Russians defeated Germany, 4-3. But the Russians were not permitted to have their ...

Benito Mussolini

Georgie Porgie, Pudding and Lies

Gstaad—It was nostalgia time at Prince Victor Emmanuel’s birthday party here, with many old friends reminiscing about our youthful shenanigans in times gone by. Victor—the ...

Protect Kids or Confiscate Guns?

In days gone by, a massacre of students like the atrocity at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School would have brought us together. But like so many atrocities before it, this mass ...

Trump—Middle American Radical

President Trump is the leader of America’s conservative party. Yet not even his allies would describe him as a conservative in the tradition of Robert Taft, Russell Kirk or ...

Theresa Mayday

Britain’s international relations have acquired something of Paris in the spring of 1871. Having achieved a lightning defeat at the hands of Prussia, the inhabitants of the ...

The JQ in the GOP

I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about Paul Nehlen. After all, why bother thinking about something that’s going to be gone in a matter of months? Nehlen, who’s ...

A Never-Trump Press in Near Panic

“All the News That’s Fit to Print” proclaims the masthead of The New York Times. “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” echoes The Washington Post. ...

Thurmond, West Virginia

David Brooks Demands New, Improved Americans 2.0

As I predicted in my two previous Taki’s columns, the Trump administration offered to Democrats an extremely moderate and generous compromise immigration package. Trump proposed ...

The First Alt-Right Congressman?

In the 2016 Wisconsin Republican primaries, businessman Paul Nehlen (pronounced “kneelin’”) challenged soulless autocrat Paul Ryan but managed to snag only 15.9% of the ...

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