In her new book The Diversity Delusion, Heather Mac Donald takes on identity politics far more forthrightly than Francis Fukuyama dared to in his new book Identity, which I ...
It’s been a good month for Mark Weber. Mark is the director of the California-based Institute for Historical Review (IHR), a publishing house that dares to sell books that ...
Thursday is shaping up to be the Trump presidency's "Gunfight at O.K. Corral." That day, the fates of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Deputy Attorney General Rod ...
If this is what the left pulls against a sweet nerd like Brett Kavanaugh, I can't wait for the hearings to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg! Observers of the passing scene were not ...
Upon the memory and truthfulness of Christine Blasey Ford hangs the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, his reputation, and possibly his career on the nation's ...
Wouldn’t it suck to find out that one of your lifelong heroes such as, say, Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Klansman? What if it turned out that Fred “Mister” Rogers was a ...
“Indifferent hacks and mediocrities tower, by pushing their forces to a lucrative point, or by working power, over multitudes of superior men.” —Emerson It is a common ...
I was minding my own business reading about Bob Woodward, the GREATEST INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER IN THE HISTORY OF OUR REPUBLIC (as he will be the first to tell you), and came across ...
In this first installment of what will be a monthly column, we review the world migrant crisis. From every angle that we’ve had the displeasure of examining it, the great ...
Is President Donald Trump about to intervene militarily in the Syrian civil war? For that is what he and his advisers seem to be signaling. Last week, Trump said of Syrian ...
Some of you oldies will never believe this, but London is no longer the place of The Blue Lamp and other black-and-white golden oldies that were made in the Shepperton and Elstree ...
Last Thursday in the southeastern Brazilian city of Juiz de Fora, Jair Bolsonaro—variously described as “the most misogynistic, hateful elected official in the democratic ...
Troubled by unequal outcomes between the sexes, progressive economists Kerwin Kofi Charles, Jonathan Guryan, and Jessica Pan act as if these were necessarily wrong, as opposed to ...
The left is very close to having a governing majority due entirely to immigration. Despite the promise of the Trump campaign, there isn't much standing in their way. Now, they're ...
The continental catastrophe that has engulfed Africa may go down in history as the greatest politically motivated human calamity of all time. Hundreds of millions of ...
Apart from building the wall, President Trump's most important act as president so far was his attack on internet censorship this week. The left controls all the cultural ...