Jared: The Birdbrain of Alcatraz

In the systematic dismantling of common sense in America, Jared Kushner's "sentencing reform" bill is the coup de grace -- a Mack Truck hurtling down the highway about to take out ...


The Saddest Election Ever

Never in my life have I seen such a parade of gloomy faces following a midterm. In the aftermath of most elections, you’ll have the elated victors and the despondent losers. But ...

Nancy Pelosi

Will Democratic Rebels Dethrone Nancy?

After adding at least 37 seats and taking control of the House by running on change, congressional Democrats appear to be about to elect as their future leaders three of the ...

Eric Swalwell

The Right to Bear Nukes

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) has an annoying habit of reminding people that we don’t live in the 18th century anymore. He seems to think that the Second Amendment was written to ...

Prayers for Neocons

There’s been a lot of talk among neoconservatives lately about some frightful subjects: nationalism, populism, and nativism. It’s been a touching spectacle, the air so thick ...

GOP to Dems: Here, Take Our Wallet Too!

Election recounts would be more plausible if Democrats occasionally let the Republican win. But they don't. Ballots miraculously discovered days and weeks after the election -- in ...

Return of the Fifth Columnists

A fifth columnist is a supporter or secret sympathizer of an enemy nation, and the phrase was coined by Spanish nationalist general Emilio Mola Vidal. Before World War II broke ...

Emmanuel Macron

Macron to Trump: ‘You’re No Patriot!’

In a rebuke bordering on national insult Sunday, Emmanuel Macron retorted to Donald Trump's calling himself a nationalist. "Patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism; ...

Tucker Carlson

Antifa Comes for Tucker Carlson

Once a neoconservative, Tucker Carlson is now a man of the right. Therefore, to use the president’s essential phrase, Carlson puts America first. But there’s a price to pay ...

Adam Schiff

Pussy (Hats) Whipped

That's all you got? Two years of non-stop campaigning, denouncing and doxing -- and all the Resistance has to show for it is a House majority smaller than the one Republicans ...

Has Bloomberg Begun the Battle for 2020?

Did former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg just take a page out of the playbook of Sen. Ed Muskie from half a century ago? In his first off-year election in 1970, President ...

Don Lemon

The Evidence Is Overwhelming

Don Lemon is a black man, and the evidence is overwhelming that black people are very bad at math. This may help explain—although it does not excuse—the fact that when the ...

The Most Hated Man in America

In an age of individuals, when many people have never felt a deep and abiding sense of duty to something external to themselves, it is only too easy to be dismissive of a ...

The True History of Millstone Babies

Having mastered fake news, now the media are trying out a little fake history. In the news business, new topics are always popping up, from the Logan Act and the emoluments ...

When Refugees Were Conquerors

Ah, the refugee caravan. Would it be a midterm election without a bunch of oppressed brown-skinned asylum seekers storming the border? In a way, these refugees are like cicadas, ...

Is This Worse Than ’68?

Saturday, in Pittsburgh, a Sabbath celebration at the Tree of Life synagogue became the site of the largest mass murder of Jews in U.S. history. Eleven worshippers were killed by ...

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