Liberals claim to be appalled that Trump didn't issue his stay-at-home protocols for the Wuhan virus back in January or early February. What do you think the media's reaction ...
In late February, a seven-year legal battle finally reached its conclusion, but nobody noticed. It should have been a big story, but it was eclipsed by the Chinese viral ...
After the Great Pandemic has passed and we emerge from Great Depression II, what will be America's mission in the world? What will be America's cause? We have been at such a ...
For declaring in March that the U.S. economy might be reopened by Easter, President Donald Trump was roundly mocked. Yet, it appears his political instincts were correct. He was ...
Envy and denunciation abound with fanatic ardor against those who dare to circumvent the confinement in Spain. The last case has been carried out by the former president, Mariano ...
The media are outraged that President Trump is talking about re-opening the country, following their previous position that he sure was taking his sweet time at opening up the ...
“Stop the coronavirus stigma now!” So screamed the so-called “science” journal Nature on April 7. COVID-19 must not be “associated with Wuhan or China.” Even though ...
COVID-19 is the coveted excuse the global elite have been looking for to push through their agenda. Washed-up former leaders sensing a second opportunity to rule, such as Gordon ...
It’s probably a coincidence, but I notice that as businesses go under, jobs are lost, careers are ended and trillions of dollars are drained from the economy, the people most ...
Among the works that first brought Henry Kissinger to academic acclaim was "A World Restored," his 1950s book about how the greatest diplomats of Europe met at the Congress of ...
“How can we not be united against death?” So wailed emotive carbuncle Keith Olbermann back in 2009. He was off on some typically nutty rant about single-payer health care, but ...
Would you rather have a rapist or an Alzheimer’s patient as your president? If Joe Biden gets elected, you may wind up with both, but it’s an important question and a crucial ...
As I type these words, Californians are under a mandatory “stay at home” edict issued by the Patrick Bateman cosplayer in our statehouse. Any Californian caught leaving his, ...
Don Juan Carlos has been one of the best kings in the history of Spain. His work was essential in bringing about democracy and the current Constitution peacefully in troubled ...
Here's a thought: While self-quarantining with their families in multimillion-dollar Manhattan co-ops, Wall Street wives ought to have a chat with their Master of the Universe ...
"The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time," said Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey to a friend on the eve of Britain's entry into ...