A Lockdown Line in the Sand

In May 1940, Hitler and Himmler were having one of their little slumber-party bull sessions, exchanging gossipy notes like schoolgirls. Himmler gave his Führer a memo titled ...

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Individual Liberty Versus the State

In a heartening sign, a number of counties in Pennsylvania have chosen to defy Gov. Tom Wolf’s shutdown order. The Beaver County Board of Commissioners announced on May 8 that ...

Golf, Dharma, and the Marxist Handicap

Incredible as it may seem, the intellectual level of the Spanish political class has dropped as much as my alcoholic handicap. The latest mantra-braying of the spokesmen of power: ...

Chris Cuomo

Coronavirus Doesn’t Just Kill People–It’s White?

I guess now it's OK to identify viruses by where they came from. Lately, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been calling COVID-19 the "European virus" 1 million times per press ...

Will Americans Submit to a Second Lockdown?

On March 24, President Donald Trump said he wanted the country and the economy "opened up and just raring to go by Easter." Easter came and went. And Trump was mocked for being ...

Liberal Privilege in Two Tweets

This week, we'll look at two tweets that encapsulate everything that's wrong with the "white privilege" narrative consuming our nation. The Twitter account @nowthisnews posted a ...

Racial Revenge?

Last Friday, the day after two whites in Georgia were arrested in the vastly publicized killing of the black jogger/prowler Ahmaud Arbery, a young black gunman murdered two ...

Trump’s Wuhan WMDs (This’ll End Well)

If you disagree with the theory that Covid was Frankensteined in a Wuhan lab, you’re a Holocaust denier. And America First “nationalists” should spend their time fighting ...

Ahmaud Arbery

The Lynching of a Black Jogger

Armed Black Panthers are now prowling the neighborhood where Ahmaud Arbery was fatally gunned down on February 23rd, and an American public that is already stir-crazy from months ...

Behind Trump’s Strategic Pivot

After Pearl Harbor, FDR declared that his role of "Dr. New Deal" had been superseded, replaced by his new role, "Dr. Win the War." Tuesday, President Donald Trump signaled that, ...

Fried Scorpion, Beijing

Lab Theory of Wuhan Virus Cooked Up in a Neocon Lab

Just because the media say something doesn't necessarily mean it's not true. In the case of Trump's claim that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab -- or as I call it, the All ...

The Hunt for Dystopia D’NaeNae

In one of 2020’s finest ironies, most of us spent the 75th anniversary of Hitler’s death confined to our own personal bunkers, hiding from a malevolent menace from the ...

Q&A On the Wuhan Virus

As you can well imagine, my mailbox has been overflowing with questions about the coronavirus from precisely ZERO readers. So I decided to write my own questions. I know this is ...

FrankenCovid Conquers the Right

I call it “FrankenCovid”—the theory that Covid-19 was created by scientists in a Wuhan lab and released either on purpose or by accident. Adherents hold that the proven ...

Up for a New Cold War — With China?

Is America, in lockdown, with 26 million unemployed and entering a new depression, up for a confrontation and Cold War with China? For that appears to be where the GOP wishes to ...

The One Certain Victor in the Pandemic War

"War is the health of the state," wrote the progressive Randolph Bourne during the First World War, after which he succumbed to the Spanish flu. America's war on the coronavirus ...

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