I'm not at liberty to reveal my sources, but I have obtained a draft of President Joe Biden's inaugural address. (Trump, unfortunately, won't be there to hear it. He will be ...
With seven days to go until the election, there’s no way a weekly columnist can keep up with the rapid-fire developments that’ll surely be cracklin’ like a burning log on ...
If Joe Biden loses on Nov. 3, public interest in whether his son Hunter exploited the family name to rake in millions of dollars from foreign donors will likely fade away. It ...
There is mounting evidence that Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden was involved in the family influence-peddling racket, including with China. Tony Bobulinski, a former ...
In 2015, Donald J. Trump decided he was going to run for president on popular ideas. This was a stunning, historic breakthrough in American politics. He made his announcement in a ...
Well, well, well...someone owes Adolf Hitler an apology. On Oct. 9, New York governor Andrew Cuomo declared a “Jewish problem” in his state regarding COVID. The damn Jews are ...
In fiscal year 2020, which ended on Sept. 30, the U.S. government set some impressive new records. The deficit came in at $3.1 trillion, twice the previous record of $1.4 ...
Big Tech wants to protect Joe Biden, so it censored the New York Post’s exposé on the corrupt dealings of his son Hunter. Users of Facebook and Twitter were frustrated by their ...
With the Amy Coney Barrett hearings in full swing this week, my mailbox has been overflowing with questions from absolutely no readers! Here, I will deliver the answers that no ...
Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate, the White House, and all those who wish to see an objective, balanced Supreme Court need to better explain the justification for ...
As the grotesque spectacle that is Election 2020 drags its fetid carcass down the home stretch, leaving behind a snail trail of despair and humiliation, I’m plagued by one ...
"The Indians are seeing 60,000 Chinese soldiers on their northern border," Secretary of State Michael Pompeo ominously warned on Friday. He spelled out what he meant to ...
Yelp, a company that offers users a platform to review businesses online, announced last Thursday that it is debuting a new policy that allows customers to report and flag ...
Unfortunately, this week's vice presidential debate -- occurring after this column goes out -- is unlikely to be something you'd see in the Turkish parliament, like we had last ...
What a difference a week can make. Saturday, Sept. 26, was among the best days of the Trump presidency, or so some of us thought watching the president introduce in the Rose ...
Recent polling by the Pew Research Center indicated that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden had a nearly 89% lead over Trump among black voters. Hence the president’s ...