Who and What Is Tearing the US Apart?

In Shanksville, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, former President George W. Bush's theme was national unity -- and how it has been lost over these past 20 years. "In the weeks and ...

Migrant Tales

While the American media climb over each other to spew out the expected tropes on racism and the misanthropic obstinacy of white people, European countries declare their intent to ...

Sheriiff Alex Villanueva

Isle of L.A. Part III: Gringo Star Supernova

Part III of my series about the changing face of L.A. Click for Parts I and II. I ended Part II with a look at how L.A. County’s Hispanics are habitual nonvoters. Let’s pick ...

Defund the World’s Police

Why does the establishment think that whenever something is amiss anywhere in the world, we need to scramble jets and fly in to fix it? There's a girl in Sudan who can't get ...

Lockdown Under

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” George Santayana famously wrote. Apart from a few garbled anecdotes about Captain Cook and Ned Kelly, and ...

Bad Moon Rising for Biden — and Us

"April is the cruelest month," wrote T. S. Eliot in the opening line of what is regarded as his greatest poem, "The Waste Land." For President Joe Biden, the cruelest month is ...

Downtown Los Angeles

Isle of L.A. Part II: Schrödinger’s Gatos

Part II of my series about the changing face of my native city. Part I can be found here. When I was young, it was ridiculously easy for Westside homeowners to find a Mexican to ...

Teaching Psycho Flintstones About Women’s Equality

The universal panning of President Biden's decision to finally leave Afghanistan is the mirror image of the one time the media loved Trump. Remember that joyous occasion? It was ...

Joe VS. The Swamp

President Biden ended the war in Afghanistan earlier this week, fulfilling the broken promises of the last three presidents, whereupon both the liberal and conservative media rose ...

Our Culture of Lying

“There is a great deal of a ruin in a nation,” replied Adam Smith to a friend who lamented that General Burgoyne’s defeat by the American rebels at 1777’s Battle of ...

DACA: Degenerate Arsonists? Come Aboard!

The New York Times recently ran an indignant article on the Department of Justice's arrest of two fugitives in Mexico who were accused of involvement in a mostly peaceful arson ...

Speakers Corner, Hyde Park

Soapbox Derby

Despite recent strong runners, Sir John Major is probably the worst Conservative prime minister Britain has had in modern times. But just as a stopped clock tells the right time ...

Is America Becoming a Failed State?

Suddenly, Sunday, a riveting report came over cable news: The U.S. embassy was urging all Americans to "leave Afghanistan as soon as possible." Message: Get out while you ...

A Tonkin Gulf Incident in the Gulf of Oman?

A week ago, the MT Mercer Street, a Japanese-owned tanker managed by a U.K.-based company owned by Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer, sailing in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Oman, ...

Parenthood Has Driven Our Policy Elite Mad

There's a disturbing trend among post-Trump populists to think that just because they've rejected the old GOP ideas about tax cuts and permanent war, they should also reject ...

With Friends Like MAGA…

Recently, I wrote about my childhood friend Robert, a pudgy little Jew who got a hard lesson in reality at our majority-black high school. This week, I’ll lead off with my ...

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