Time for my annual Jan. 1 housecleaning of unused ephemera I wish I could’ve included in the previous year’s columns. The Lonely Norwegian In February, socialist Norwegian ...
While all facts are true, not all facts are relevant. And what are the relevant facts in this crisis where 100,000 Russian troops are now stationed along the Ukrainian ...
It wasn’t a good autumn for Joe Biden and the Democrats. The president’s approval rating was down to a Trump-like 41 percent in an NPR poll released on Monday. Why? British ...
As President Joe Biden's poll numbers sank this fall, and the presidentially ambitious in his party began to stir, the White House put out the word. Forget all that 2020 campaign ...
Throughout my life, I’ve often been accused of lacking empathy. It’s a critique that goes back to high school, when I was a compassionless bully. And I’ll admit, I do have ...
It was a memorable event but not in the way intended. There stood the Prince of Wales, looking like he’d much rather be in Kent or Devonshire or Cornwall—anywhere but there. ...
Belarusian autocrat Alexander Lukashenko has cleared out the encampment at his border crossing into Poland, where thousands of Middle Eastern migrants had been living in ...
Deadlines are an unforgiving mistress. Every now and then I’ll see something right after my column posts that makes me regret not having been able to include it. For example, ...
In his prosecution of Kyle Rittenhouse, Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger drew so many well-earned rebukes from the judge that some speculated he was ...
Over the years I’ve devoted a lot of text in this column to the “perpetrators” of America’s decline. The “intellectuals,” the billionaire donors, the think-tankers. ...
The White House's official press release announcing the Build Back Better Act (BBB) pitches it as a "PLAN TO REBUILD THE MIDDLE CLASS." It rhapsodizes about "working families" ...
A seldom-explained problem slowing the Democrats’ march to a permanent one-party state is that while their electoral grand strategy is impressively opportunistic, sleazy, and ...
Last week was a good one, so it’s kind of dickish to make fun, but it’s really amusing how quickly some of you went from, in 2016, “We’re gonna get tired of winning,” to ...
The British government has managed to spend approximately $50 billion on a system for testing and tracing cases of COVID-19. So far, the average citizen has been tested five ...
But critical race theory isn't taught in Virginia schools! The Republican sweep in Virginia Tuesday night has nullified that claim. Glenn Youngkin beat Terry McAuliffe in the ...
Every time I write about my positive experiences attending black L.A. public schools in the early 1980s, I get pushback. Sometimes gentle pushback from friends, sometimes angry ...