Misguided government policies have already dealt vicious body blows to our economy, but that hasn’t stopped politicians this week from launching two new kicks to the groin: ...
I’ve come to admire Michele Bachmann, especially since she nailed Timothy Geithner to the wall while repeatedly asking him what provision in the Constitution gave the ...
Dick Cheney is giving the Republican Party a demonstration of how to fight a popular president. Stake out defensible high ground, do not surrender an inch, then go onto the ...
There are two types of “conservative” Republicans. The type who believes that government is broken, but only needs Republicans to better manage it, and those who ...
People get tired of me writing about Republican Congressman Ron Paul. Hell, I get tired of me writing about Ron Paul. Sometimes I feel guilty about it. I try to avoid it more than ...
The French ambassador to London who caused a furor about eight years ago when he referred to Israel as “that shitty little country,” was demoted to Algeria almost immediately. ...
For many, the question of American secession was settled once-and-for-all by Abraham Lincoln’s military victory against the South in 1865. Not so, writes author Kirkpatrick ...
Does anyone really believe voters are now enamored with Barack Obama because they despise conservatism and love liberalism? Americans aren’t that ideological. After 100 days ...
Does Barack Obama understand the people he leads? Do his aides? These may seem cheeky questions to ask of a team that just won the presidency. But there is something in their ...
In my local role here in Charleston, South Carolina, as a personality for 1250 AM WTMA talk radio and a columnist for the Charleston City Paper, my listeners and readers tend to ...
In his article "Why Mark Sanford Matters" Reihan Salam writes for Forbes Magazine: "Unlike John McCain or Mitt Romney, Sanford goes far beyond criticizing earmarks. In the ...
It was the winter of conservative discontent. Barry Goldwater had gotten only 38 percent of the vote, and his party had suffered its worst thrashing since Alf Landon fell to FDR ...
Voted as "Best Conservative" by readers in the Charleston City Paper's annual "Best of Charleston" issue, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford was described as ...
In his campaign and inaugural address, Barack Obama cast himself as a moderate man seeking common ground with conservatives. Yet, his budget calls for the radical restructuring ...
When President Bush sold the Iraq War to the American people, he claimed that refusing to act was unacceptable as the crisis of global terrorism required immediate action. Said ...
When President Obama, the Democrats and only three Republicans succeeded in passing a $787 billion dollar stimulus package last week, Arizona Senator John McCain said "This ...