A Kept Man

It didn’t take the Israel lobby very long to bring President Obama to heel regarding his prohibition against further illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian ...


In my last piece at Taki’s Magazine, I discussed the unprecedented phenomenon of a few Republican Party pollsters and strategists admitting, most times begrudgingly, that ...

Conservatives of the Heart

“Sometimes party loyalty asks too much,” said JFK. For Sarah Palin, party loyalty in New York’s 23rd congressional district asks too much. Going rogue, Palin ...

Barack H. Nixon

Four decades ago, Lamar Alexander worked in Richard Nixon’s White House. Sen. Alexander today says Barack Obama’s White House reminds him of that place, that time, ...

“€œ9/12″€ Delusions

South Carolina’s Jim DeMint is one of my favorite Republicans. The senator’s unwavering opposition to government spending—from “stimulus” and ...

He Lied!

Joe Wilson knows of what he speaks. South Carolina's Republican Representative is what one of my readers has dubbed deliciously a "€œsubject matter expert"€ on providing ...

Race Card

God save me from my friends—I can take care of my enemies. So President Obama must be muttering today. Ten days ago, the president played his ace of trumps. He went ...

The Return of the Radical Right

What happened to the Age of Obama? Glancing over the New York Times Book Review Sunday, one finds three of the top four non-fiction best-sellers were written by ...

Just Say No

Reports of the death of the Republican Party appear to have been premature. Not since Sen. Bob Griffin derailed LBJ’s scheme to replace Chief Justice Earl Warren with crony ...

People Like Palin

I’ve never been a big fan of Sarah Palin not because I ever thought she was exceptionally bad but because she never struck me as exceptional, period. By 2008, George W. ...

The Unconscious of a Liberal

Almost begrudgingly, I remain a conservative despite the rampant hypocrisy, ineptness and illogic of many who subscribe to the label. I also remain a conservative because no ...

Prescription for Disaster

The health care bill unveiled this week by the House of Representatives (with the full support of the Obama administration) is one of the worst pieces of legislation ever drafted. ...

Who You Callin”€™ a Conservative?

A recent syndicated column by Thomas Sowell "€œRepublicans in the Wilderness"€ includes useful advice but also misleading conclusions. According to Sowell, while ...

Mark Sanford and the Right

Speaking on FOX News the same day Sanford dropped his bombshell, former Bush adviser Karl Rove said: “With all due respect to Governor Sanford, I’ve never thought he ...

Double Whammy”€”Obama Care & Cap-and-Trade

Misguided government policies have already dealt vicious body blows to our economy, but that hasn’t stopped politicians this week from launching two new kicks to the groin: ...

The Other Michele

I’ve come to admire Michele Bachmann, especially since she nailed Timothy Geithner to the wall while repeatedly asking him what provision in the Constitution gave the ...

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