Seminal punk legend Ari Up just died. She sang for The Slits, had dreadlocks down to the floor, and is credited for helping put women on the punk map. She also followed the ...
Chalk up another Code Red Elmo moment for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. While Islamic terrorists groom suicide bombers starting in kindergarten, the grownups in charge ...
Now comes the morning after, and a surly nation sweeps up its mountains of badges, posters, and lies before carting them all off to the curb. It wasn"t much of a party, but we ...
Well, not really a musical, nor even the lyrics to a musical. The piece under discussion is, though, definitely not plain prose; so musical-wise, we have the beginnings of a start ...
Sunday, on the eve of All Saints’ Day, Nov. 1, 2010, the faithful gathered at the Assyrian Catholic Church of Our Lady of Salvation in Baghdad. As Father Wassim Sabih ...
Israel is at it again, caught by its own free press with its hand in the till"not so much the till as the land that other people till. The Israeli press is not only free, it ...
David Broder’s recent observations about our Peace Prize President have created a stir. In his controversial October 31 Washington Post op-ed “How Obama might ...
As I waited at the polling booth last Tuesday to vote, I thought about who would run this country if the GOP took back both houses of Congress. In all likelihood it would be the ...
Last month, Tony Blair's half-sister-in-law Lauren Booth announced that she had converted to Islam following "a holy experience" in Iran. It was the latest ...
Two large-scale rallies held the past few months in Washington, D.C., present an interesting contrast. Glenn Beck, an entertainer who poses as a political pundit, held a rally to ...
Though Obama “may lose control of Congress,” says columnist David Broder, he “can still storm back to win a second term in 2012.” How does Broder suggest ...
Congress shall make no law…abridging...the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. "First Amendment, US ...
Last Friday, separate officials in Dubai and England intercepted packages containing bombs in the cargo sections of two USA-bound planes. Each bomb was deemed capable of ...
The polls and pundits are all in alignment now. The Republican Party is headed for a victory Tuesday to rival the biggest and best of those that the party has known in the ...
America's midterm elections are on Tuesday, but they"ve already voted for their favorite news network, and it sure as hell ain"t the Microsoft/National Broadcasting ...
Before the Tea Party philosophy is ever even tested in America, it will have succeeded, or it will have failed, in Great Britain. For in David Cameron the Brits have a prime ...