How Long Must Okinawans Wait?

Washington officials continue to ignore the residents of Okinawa, a small island south of Japan. A poll from last summer revealed that over 70% of Okinawans want America's Futenma ...

Poisonous Politics

On Feb. 15, 1933, Giuseppe Zangara, delusional and a loner, fired his .32-caliber pistol at FDR in the Bayfront Park area of Miami. Five feet tall, Zangara could not aim over the ...

Mark Twain and his friend John Lewis in 1903

Huckleberry Finn and the Whitewashing of American History

By its editor's count, 219 "€œniggers"€ have been expunged from a reprint of Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn that’s being foisted on our humiliatingly ...

English Defence League: Defending the Rainbow Against Extreme Islam

The English Defence League (EDL) is a white-power sect of the British National Party that hates Jews, gays, and blacks but REALLY hates Muslims. In short, they"€™re Nazis. ...

Tennis Legend Gardnar Mulloy: Still Serving at 97

I do not have many friends who are 97, but tennis legend Gardnar Mulloy is one of them. It is not clear why I should be so lucky to know him, nor why I should have had the ...

Chicago on the Potomac

No matter how you rearrange President Obama’s inner circle, it still looks, smells and tastes like a rotten Chicago deep-dish pizza. Ready for the latest topping on this ...

Requiem for a Patriot

“Conservative Tycoon ... Dies at 95,” said the New York Times headline on New Year’s Eve about the death of Roger Milliken. Clearly, the headline writer did not ...

Last Month in Israel: Bagellnacht Rising?

In Israel these days, about half of the Jews"€”the ones who say Arabs are no big problem"€”are having big problems with the other half of the Jews who say the Arabs are a very ...

Henry Kissinger

Henry Kissinger’s Fakepolitik

Henry Kissinger should emulate Old Marley's ghost, which "€œfloated out upon the bleak, dark night"€ from the chambers of Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge. It was a gentle, necessary ...

FOX News Reconstructs Conservative History

FOX News has been running a series on the conservative movement and recently released a DVD showing what purports to be the definitive picture of the movement's progress. I have a ...

Who Owns the Future?

“That speaks about who is going to be leading tomorrow.” So said Angel Gurria, secretary-general of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Every ...

The DREAM Act: ¿Reconquista Mañana?

Countless self-described "€œDreamers"€ were rudely awakened on December 18th when the US Senate failed to reach the 60 votes necessary to proceed with the DREAM (Development, ...

The Year’s 10 Most Ridiculous Political Moments

The night Obama was elected, the streets around my Brooklyn home were hysterical with glee. People were climbing up streetlights and screaming "€œOBAMA!"€ at the top of their ...

“€œCreating”€ Jobs With Stimulus Money

The $787-billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), signed into law by President Obama on February 17, 2009, has been largely forgotten, despite the fact that ...

Noble Lies Are for Children: A Q&A With Jared Taylor

Jared Taylor is the founder and editor of the American Renaissance website and monthly newsletter, offering news, reviews, and opinions from a race-realist perspective. AR‘s ...

Internet Access is Not a “Civil Right”

When bureaucrats talk about increasing our “access” to x, y or z, what they’re really talking about is increasing exponentially their control over our lives. As ...

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