It takes courage to confront Israel on the battlefield. Egypt, Syria, and Jordan's puffed-up armies learned that lesson in June 1967, when six days of combat forced them to throw ...
Let's play the "What If?" game for a minute. What if I had written this column in October 2002 and some eagle-eyed aide to George W. Bush had noticed it and shown it to ...
According to Joel Klein's March 21 Newsweek column, "conservatives" went ballistic at their annual CPAC meeting in Washington because Obama had dared to question the holy ...
The US has another public-relations nightmare on its hands in Afghanistan. One would think a war lasting over a decade with no plausible end in sight would be enough of a PR ...
Get yer hankies out. Here is the tale of little Emily Ruiz, four years old, the victim, according to her attorney, of “a tragic injustice.” Little Emily is the ...
It looks as if Washington has fallen into another trap with Obama’s move on Libya. Yes, the Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi is a nutcase and a bloodstained dictator who ...
Last week we nostalgically suggested that culturally, things might have been better in the past. This week we will nostalgically infer that they might be better elsewhere. Where? ...
On March 20, Pastor Terry Jones, who heads a congregation of 30 at his Dove World Outreach Center church in Gainesville, Fla., conducted a mock trial of the Quran “for ...
This is the most outrageous proposal since Nero named his horse a senator. The suggestion that two of Gaddafi’s sons may inherit his mantle and a deal struck with the ...
Robert Conquest"celebrated both as a poet and a historian of Soviet Russia"was at one point lecturing throughout the US. As the story is told, people would come up ...
Sexual-harassment lawsuits began in the mid-1970s but really gained momentum in the politically correct 90s when radical feminism helped expand the definition of "rape" to ...
I love tobacco. I have been a pipe and cigar smoker since my 16th birthday. (My father had offered to buy me both if I abstained from cigarettes until that date). On that ...
So action finally replaced inertia, the White House's dithering gave way to resolve, and the warplanes and cruise missiles are flying over Libya just in time. It has all provided ...
In ordering air and naval strikes on a country that neither threatened nor attacked the United States, did President Obama commit an impeachable act? So it would seem. For the ...
After two years of practicing unrepentant contempt for science, jobs, law and truth, why should Interior Secretary Ken Salazar’s words mean anything anymore? While President ...
Four young men in black-denim jackets and hoodies closed in when the man they"d been waiting for emerged from the Mecklenburg Government Center. One of them yelled, "Jared ...