Tim Hetherington

Photographers: The First Casualties of War

When journalists die in some foreign field, they die for you. Without them, your knowledge of the world in which you live would come from government spokesmen, corporate flacks, ...

Abraham Lincoln

Being Dishonest About Abe

In what may be described as the Dell comic-book version of "€œthe Civil War's true beginning,"€ Allen C. Guelzo, seated as Henry R. Luce Professor of the Civil War Era at ...

Barack Obama

Barack Hussein Hoover?

Is the world headed for a debt crisis to dwarf the one that befell us in 2008, when Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson stood aside and let Lehman Brothers crash? No one knows for ...

Atlantic City, New Jersey

Donald Trump’s Eminent-Domain Empire

Don’t be fooled by The Donald. Take it from one who knows: I’m a South Jersey gal who was raised on the outskirts of Atlantic City in the looming shadow of ...

General Augusto Pinochet

Clemency for Tyrants

Vengeance is always shortsighted, and Egypt these days needs spectacles. The New Egypt (which is still being run by the Old Military) detained Hosni Mubarak and his two sons last ...

Marcus Aurelius

Monarchy: The Fairest of Them All

How fair a rule is monarchy? A Byzantine scholar wrote that it was the fairest, to the point that God sustained it, as long as the emperors were elected by the army or an ...

Rep. Paul Ryan

Simplify, Simplify

Stopped in at my local office-supplies megastore for some printer ink cartridges. Total expenditure: $47.78. Total length of printed receipt: 341/2 inches"€”nearly a yard. Most ...

Prince William and Kate Middleton

Repulsive Republicanism

Of all the freeloaders hoping for publicity or a fast buck by hitching a ride on the back of Prince William and Kate Middleton's upcoming wedding, the most repulsive are the ...

Was Jesus a Pennsylvania Dutch Neocon?

During the last five years I"€™ve written provocative fortnightly columns for the Lancaster newspapers, and I periodically receive letters from an outraged older woman (or so my ...

Donald Rumsfeld

Donald Rumsfeld: Known, Unknown, and Better Left Unsaid

Nixon in China, John Adams's opera based on Richard Nixon's détente-seeking 1972 visit to the People's Republic, has Kissinger pirouetting, Chairman and Madame Mao dancing the ...

War: Still a Racket

Barack Obama campaigned for president on a promise to end the war in Iraq and "€œfinish the job against al Qaeda in Afghanistan."€ More than two years after he took the oath ...

Obama Blows up the Bridge

“Rather than building bridges, he’s poisoning wells,” said Rep. Paul Ryan, after listening to Barack Obama’s scathing attack on his deficit reduction plan ...

Valentina Tereshkova

The End of Manned Space Flight

Somewhere in the London Daily Mirror's billionfold archives is a photograph taken in February 1964 and published in that estimable newspaper of a small but enthusiastic crowd of ...

Fuck the Public Sector

If one were to"€”hypothetically"€”shoot every other public-sector worker in the back of the head, I believe you would not notice a single blip, hiccup, or ripple in the ...

The Tyrant and the Rebels

Once there was a ruler who held his vast land together with an iron fist. For decades the people in one of his disparate regions had pursued peaceful methods to codify their way ...

Ability: The Key to Social Mobility

The British government is planning to nationalize social mobility as part of something involving "€œfairness"€ and government programs. This is sinister because "€œsocial ...

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