David Brooks

The Wannabe Hamilton

On June 13, the resident conservative (which means additional leftist) on The New York Times’ editorial page, David Brooks, revealed his plan for “national greatness,” which ...

Is a U.S. Default Inevitable?

As President Bush prepared to invade Iraq in September 2002, the head of his economic policy council, Lawrence Lindsey publicly estimated such a war could cost $100 billion to ...

The American Nosedive

Reading the Declaration of Independence 235 years after it was written, it’s kidney-punchingly obvious that the United States government has become precisely the sort of ...

A Whiff of Protest

Ego olere ergo sum. (I stink, therefore I am.) Such could be the motto of the unpleasant and unwashed who these days routinely appear on a whim to riot in London’s streets. I ...

The Creeping Pink Cloud

Rupert Murdoch’s New York bullhorn, also known as the New York Post, has recently been jubilating each time a Republican in the state legislature comes over to the side of gay ...

Barack Obama

Slowly We Turn

Obama is pulling American troops out of Afghanistan. Or at least he says he is. He also said that American forces in Iraq are no longer there. Officially, the Iraq war is over, at ...

A Big Mess in Bogotá

As the election for the next mayor of Colombia’s capital approaches, all candidates say they agree that “corruption is the worst evil facing Bogotá.” The squandering of the ...

Mexico Sues Georgia for Making it a Crime to Be Illegal

On May 13th, Georgia’s governor signed a bill that essentially made it illegal for illegal aliens to be illegal. As hatefully punitive as that sounds, the bill’s most ...

The Season After Arab Spring

Future revolutions are nearly always envisioned as simple and beautiful, but they look very different when they actually happen. The recent revolutions in the Middle East caught ...

Barack Obama

Obama: Transparently Opaque

What’s going on with Barack “Open Government” Obama? His Justice Department has prosecuted more people for exposing government secrets than all the presidents from George ...

Head Trips and Foreskin Snips: California’s Anti-Circumcision Jihad

If Oxford is the home of lost causes, California appears to be the Quonset hut of stupid ones. The latest to excite municipal legislators’ brains (in San Francisco and Santa ...

Anthony Weiner

Why Weiner’s Going Under the Bus

Is there any redeeming social value to the tawdry tale of Anthony Weiner? Only this: The nationwide revulsion at the conduct of the congressman has compelled the leadership and ...

The Persistence of Bourgeois Radicalism

When searching for Islamic terrorists in England, avoid the mosques and head straight to the universities. Most of Britain’s homegrown terrorists get the all-important leg-up to ...

Burt Reynolds

An Open Letter to Men Who Send Dick Shots to Women

Dear Men Who Send Dick Shots to Women, Women do not want to see your dick. They aren’t interested in your abs, and they don’t care how much weight you lost. Men get dumped ...

Michelle Malkin

The Mainstreaming of Michelle Malkin

A recent syndicated column by Michelle Malkin indicates what happens to interesting conservative commentators when they sign on as GOP flacks: They become predictable Republican ...

Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves by Albert Goodwin

A Coup de Greece?

Here’s the scoop on poor old Hellas, that sad little EU country given a temporary reprieve from being hauled to the municipal dump: Greece will default sometime in 2012. If ...

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