The day John Kennedy was killed, few thought it was anything other than exactly what it seemed to be. Most believed that the crime was committed by the party named as the ...
In January when a smirking schizoid goony loon who claimed no political affiliation sprayed hot lead on an Arizona crowd—killing six and injuring fourteen—the barking dogs of ...
With the 9/11 anniversary upon us once again, Middle East expert Robert Fisk in Beirut has written an instructive article about our predicament. He says that we have lied to ...
I just flew back from England, and boy are my arms tired of the way their middle class sees the world—especially when ours is headed in the same direction. Their media is ...
In Cairo in 1943, when the tide had turned in the war on Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, who had embraced Joseph Stalin as an ally and acceded to his every demand, had a ...
Conservatives like to talk about the causes of Western Civilization’s downfall: feminism, loose morality, drug abuse, Christianity’s decline, reality TV. Blaming ...
The news abounds with references to “rights,” “diversity,” and “justice.” But what do these terms signify? Allegations of Libyan “rights” abuses were powerful ...
Yet another insane bill has passed through the madhouse called the California State Legislature and now awaits the undead governor’s signature. Indeed, one of the few signs of ...
I see Al Gore’s been at the sauce again. Former vice president Al Gore recently compared climate change doubters to racists. Gore, speaking with former advertising executive ...
“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can ...
Even by Mexican Drug War standards, last Thursday’s death inferno at Monterrey’s Casino Royale seemed a bit much. At least 52 people died after a group of eight or nine gunmen ...
On Monday, the Cherokee Nation Supreme Court upheld a voter-approved constitutional amendment that revoked tribal membership for the so-called Cherokee Freedmen, the modern ...
They can be grasped conceptually in a hundred ways, yet they cannot be named. Take, for example, the 2002 B flick They, about a young woman haunted by demons who invade her ...
It all started, says Darcus Howe, as an insurrection of a generation of poor, primarily, black people from the Caribbean and from Africa. Then it raced like a savannah fire ...
Is the Senate trying to reignite the Cold War? If so, it is going about it the right way. Before departing for a five-week vacation, the Senate voted to declare Abkhazia and South ...
Most people in America don’t realize that Greece is a very new country—its independent-nation status was made official in 1830. Greece is as old as Belgium but far more poor. ...