Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin

Disunited Russia

As predicted, United Russia lost ground in Sunday’s Duma elections. In fact, they did worse than expected, and observers inside and outside the country say they would have ...

Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor?

On Dec. 8, 1941, Franklin Roosevelt took the rostrum before a joint session of Congress to ask for a declaration of war on Japan. A day earlier, at dawn, carrier-based Japanese ...

The Roots of Voter Anger Go Back to 1954

Sixty-nine percent of voters nationwide are angry with the policies of the federal government. To understand why, it’s important to remember that most voters believe tax ...

The Two-Party Pleasure Ship

In the December issue of The American Conservative, Gary L. Gregg defends the Electoral College as an integral part of the “Founders’ design.” Gregg goes after the ...

A Boob Named Bibi

After soul-shredding millennia of bloodshed and insane sectarian conflict, a small candle of hope finally flickers in the Middle East. That candle’s name is Binyamin Netanyahu, ...

Make Your Own Damned Lunch

There’s currently a guilt-inducing ad campaign on the NYC subway featuring a large cup of coffee next to rows and rows of sandwiches: “For the price of one latte,” it says, ...

What if the Constitution No Longer Applied?

What if the whole purpose of the Constitution was to limit the government? What if Congress’s enumerated powers in the Constitution no longer limited Congress, but were ...

Political Society v. Civil Society

The latest flap over a Benetton ad campaign is far from the first in that notoriously tasteless company’s history. Obama is shown kissing the President of China, French ...

Chief Clarence Louie

The Big-Screen TVs of Turtle Island

“Why is there ALWAYS a big screen tv?” That was Saskatchewan blogger Kate McMillan’s one-line post about Canada’s “First Nations communities” last Friday night. So ...

Shear Terror: Mullets Fingered in Amish Beard Attacks

About a hundred miles south of the smog-choked, rust-eaten city of Cleveland quietly sits pristine Ohio hill country, home to one of the nation’s largest concentrations of Amish ...

Juan Manuel Santos

Colombia’s One-Trick Party

Before he was known as the bane of the FARC guerrillas, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos had a reputation as a neoliberal apparatchik. Acting as Finance Minister during a ...

Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon

Nixon’s Yoda

In a recent New York Times book review, Henry Kissinger says that according to Dean Acheson, “leaving high office is like the end of a great love affair—a void left by the ...

Erin Goes Blah

The recent news concerning the Irish government’s decision to close its embassy to the Holy See in Rome is yet another indicator of how petty and nasty the mental and moral ...

Congress and Secrecy

You know this story. Congress cannot get its act together, again. It is facing a government shutdown by this Saturday, again. It has retreated to secrecy, again. It seems ...

George Soros

Turn Left and Follow the Money

An eager litter of two dozen or so suckling prog-pups calling themselves “Patriotic Millionaires” scampered playfully into Washington, DC, on Wednesday, barking and howling at ...

Newt Gingrich

A Grand Old Future

Faithful readers may be nonplussed to learn that I am now verging on political optimism. An event as close in clarifying effect to a Damascene bolt of lightning alit on me last ...

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