"I think it would be appropriate for Earth Hour in the interests of the environment for the Senator to punch Justin Trudeau's lights out." That was author Mark Steyn, ...
As the 40th anniversary of Watergate impends, we are to be bathed again in the great myth and morality play about the finest hour in all of American journalism. The myth? That ...
"They"re racist and they"ll kick your head in," a white man named Paul warned me outside a convenience store in Burnley. He"d heard I was starting basic ...
Being recently stuck for many hours in an exceedingly narrow space on a plane headed from London to DC, I was desperate enough to grab that garish British tabloid the Daily Mail ...
The night of his victories in Maryland, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia, Mitt Romney laid out the ground upon which he will stand to fight his fall battle with Barack ...
There is much talk about "the talk." "Sean O’Reilly was 16 when his mother gave him the talk that most black parents give their teenage sons," Denisa R. Superville of the ...
We used to joke about PTSD in the army. We used to call it the "new backache," meaning something doctors couldn"t prove but would get you out of work. Malingerers ...
Rick Santorum has been the Republican primary season's Surprise Moral Warrior. He has already won eleven states, and depending on how he performs in Wisconsin tomorrow, he may ...
I never cease to be amazed at how foreign newspapers, especially American or British ones, fail to report the truth about Italian politics. Since I moved here in 1998, I cannot ...
While British troops gallantly and pointlessly put themselves in peril's way in Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon perhaps elsewhere, they must find great comfort knowing that back in ...
A scandal has raged this past week in England involving racially insensitive Tweets that landed the racially insensitive Tweeter behind bars. Liam Stacey was targeted and caged ...
According to the police report of his fatal shooting on the night of February 26, Trayvon Martin stood exactly six feet tall. In death, he has become a hundred times larger. I ...
As an act of pure evil it was difficult to match. After dragging the 8-year-old by her hair across a schoolyard, the killer put a 9 mm pistol to the girl’s head and pulled ...
My fascination with Afghanistan"especially the area now called Nuristan but originally Kafiristan"was first sparked by watching The Man Who Would Be King at Grauman's ...
Rising inequality “is the defining issue of our time,” said President Obama in his Osawatomie speech that echoed the “New Nationalism” address Theodore ...
Back in the days of $16 barrels of oil (it really was that low only a decade ago) when all the brouhaha began in the wake of the 9/11 hysteria and the "Axis of Evil" ...