Minaret of the Bride, Damascus

Syria: Whipping Boy of the Unholy Triple Alliance

Back in September of 1970 I found myself in the charming ancient city of Damascus. The natives were friendly and helpful, especially as I was suffering from food poisoning thanks ...

Seattle, Washington

Partying With the Right Side on the Left Coast

I am just recovering from a splendid weekend in Seattle, a conference organized by my good friend Guy Wolf, editor of an alternative-right blog. (You never know how people will ...

Restraining Arizona, Unleashing the President

When the Obama administration decided that it had no interest in preventing the movement of undocumented aliens from Mexico into the southwest United States, the State of Arizona ...

Has the Day of the Islamist Arrived?

Sixteen months after the United States abandoned its loyal satrap of 30 years, President Hosni Mubarak, to champion democracy in Egypt, the returns are in. Mohammed Morsi, ...

Eric Holder

Eric the Withholder

The House Oversight Committee voted last week to begin Contempt of Congress proceedings against porpoise-faced Attorney General Eric Holder. Although the vote was a reaction to ...

Romney: Wrong on Russia

Mitt Romney has gone on record with the crackpot idea that the Russians are America's “number one geopolitical foe.” To my knowledge, no noted Kremlinologists have ...

Behind the Crack-up of the Right

In introducing his new book, Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America, Paul Gottfried identifies a fundamental divide between neoconservatives and the traditional ...

Revenge of the RINOs

An essay collection by William F. Buckley, Jr. rests on my nightstand, a constant reminder of a time when conservative voices were intelligent and thoughtful. Not so today. ...

Ian Smith

One Man, One Vote, One Catastrophe

As a white man born and bred in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) who has watched events unfold both in my home country and in the African subcontinent, I look at the United States and ...

Barack Obama

Can the President Rewrite Federal Law?

Here we go again. Is the Constitution merely a guideline to be consulted by those it purports to regulate, or is it really the supreme law of the land? If it is just a guideline, ...

The Romnambulist

After winning a war of attrition in the primaries, Mitt Romney is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. He is also a presumptive human being. Whereas questions still ...

Simeon of Bulgaria, Alexander of Serbia, Michael of Romania, Constantine of Greece

Return of the Kings

A specter is haunting Europe"€”and pace Marx, it is the specter of monarchy. Whenever a ceremony of any sort is performed for or by a deposed ruling family's members"€”as has ...

Squealing Versus Killing

If you are still listening to those in the political class who are falling over each other to condemn leaks from the government to the media, you’d think the leaks had ...

The Turd World

Every time Islam pokes its head out of its towel, I get nostalgic. Oh, women in Egypt were sexually assaulted for protesting sexual assault last week? Ahh, that takes me back to ...

Let Them Drink Coke

New York Mayor Bloomberg has recommended that a 16-ounce limit be placed on the size of soft drinks sold at city restaurants, movie theaters, stadiums, and arenas. This seemed ...

How the Tea Party Sunk Itself

The Tea Party emerged about a year after I first got interested in libertarian politics, and I was proud to see people protesting against taxation and supporting individual ...

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