Nicholas Soames is Winston Churchill's grandson, a Conservative member of Parliament since the early 80s, a very large man whose food and drink intake is legendary, and an old ...
A senior Syrian government spokesman has confirmed that his nation possesses chemical weapons and might employ them against a "foreign aggressor." Bashar al-Assad's ...
Last year I wrote about the anti-circumcision campaign here in California, and now another chapter in the Foreskin Chronicles has opened up in Germany. Whereas the California ...
“If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Mitt Romney fell on this Obama quote like an NFL lineman on an end zone ...
Journalists call August the "silly season" because according to legend there is no news and so their job requires them to use even more fantasy than usual. But the global ...
The greatest distinguishing factor between countries in which there is some freedom and those where authoritarian governments manage personal behavior is the Rule of Law. The idea ...
The first criterion in choosing a vice president, it is said, is that he or she must be qualified to be president. Yet there is another yardstick by which candidates measure ...
On July 11 Mitt Romney addressed an NAACP conference in Houston, and the GOP media oozed admiration for his presumed courage and outreach. Although Romney is not likely to get ...
On Tuesday, the New York Post ran a headline that said, "Denise selling out USA." They claim that Denise Rich, millionaire ex-wife of oil tycoon Marc Rich (whom the Post ...
Presently in America, nearly half of all households receive either a salary or substantial benefits from the government. Presently in America, nearly half of all adults pay no ...
My gay cousin once told me that the beauty of modern living is that there are so many different ways to have a family. I was inclined to agree with him, although my unorthodox ...
Last week, the Supreme Court decided we all have to buy government broccoli for $1.7 trillion. This is the analogy fiscal conservatives are using to describe the Obamacare mandate ...
On Monday, Iranians mourned the anniversary of a civilian airliner that a US missile shot down in 1988. The strike killed all 290 people aboard. This is the event that led George ...
If you drive a car, I’ll tax the street, If you try to sit, I’ll tax your seat. If you get too cold, I’ll tax the heat, If you take a walk, I’ll tax ...
Last week I wrote about Facebook, censorship, and the danger of relying upon these supersized social-media conglomerates to get your message out, particularly if that message is ...