The War Drums Are Getting Louder

Here we go again! Scary sofa samurai Robert Kagan, a neocon so-called foreign-policy scholar, is also an expert on war, having watched a lot of Hollywood movies. Kagan says that ...

Condoleezza Rice

Leading From the Front of the Bus

Sometimes seemingly insignificant events dramatically affect the course of human history. The failure of a struggling young artist named Adolf Hitler to pass a drawing test at the ...

Last Recourse of Failed Presidents

Both the 20th and 21st centuries have seen failed presidencies. William Howard Taft lost in 1912, though he might have retained office had not his old friend and former leader ...

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

The Lonely Man of the Middle East

GSTAAD"€”When Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan met in July with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin about the civil war in Syria, political biographers had a right to be ...

A Fantasy Presidential Debate That Will Never Happen

Good evening, Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney. I"€™ll be your sole interrogator tonight. I hope the audience welcomes you with as much warmth as they can manage. Before I proceed with ...

A Zero-Watt Affair

If the recently adjourned Republican National Convention was intended to cure insomnia, it was a thundering success. But if it was meant to light a fire under unmotivated ...

Mia Love

Dog Whistles, Sticky Wickets and A Threefer

The media lefties are the wisest of the wise. They can hear the dog whistle; they can decode the ...

Sir John Macdonald

Old Macdonald Had a Problem

Canadian history is crushingly dull. Imagine anybody screaming, “Peace, order and good government!” while storming the barricades"€”or, for that matter, there being ...

Last Hurrah of Nixon’s ‘New Majority’?

Looking back all the way to America’s Civil War, there have been three dominant presidential coalitions. The first was Abraham Lincoln’s. With his war to restore the ...

No Brain, No Vote!

A recent article in The Huffington Post, that eternal blast of lavender-scented, dreamcatcher-filtered wind from the left, recently suggested that America needs a Voter IQ ...

Abortion and Rape

The criticisms of the recent absurd comments by Missouri Republican Congressman Todd Akin, who at this writing is his party’s nominee to take on incumbent Missouri ...

Reducing Hate by Restoring Tolerance

Though I cannot demonstrate it statistically, I believe the US is inching toward coercive, state-directed thought control. On such "€œcontroversial"€ topics as immigration ...

‘The Most Dangerous Man in the World’?

U.S. newspapers this fall will devote countless column inches and network TV will set aside endless hours to revisiting the most perilous month in the history of the republic, if ...

The Scum at the Surface of the Black Lagoon

Most sensible Americans agree that foreign lobbyists are a pox on the nation, but few realize how egregious the process has become. American citizens should be able to band ...

Satan, Thy Name is Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan wants to hurt you. Oh, sure, he may seem nice, but that’s only a mask. In reality, this wonky honky is “a soulless predator” who is either “a ...

November’s Choices

We are in terrible straits this presidential election. We have a choice between a president who has posed more of a danger to personal freedom than any in the past 150 years and a ...

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