NEW YORK—Ten years ago this week I put my money down and The American Conservative magazine was born. They say that owning a yacht is like sitting under a shower tearing up ...
Students at a Kansas high school are claiming that the government is trying to starve them to death. In the teeny-weeny Great Plains town of Sharon Springs, which is possibly ...
For Americans of the Greatest Generation that fought World War II and of the Silent Generation that came of age in the 1950s, the great moral and ideological cause was the Cold ...
While 22-year-old Klein Michael Thaxton was holding a hostage in a Pittsburgh high-rise on Friday, he allowed the world to peek into his troubled soul via the miracle of Facebook. ...
A special Darwin Award should be given to Abdullah Ismail of Lahore, Pakistan " Rudyard Kipling's old city " who died this ...
While most geopolitical fears are focused on the Middle East, it would be wise to also keep an eye on the Far East. There are no less than five major territorial disputes ...
When news broke on September 11, 2012 that an American embassy and consulate were besieged it was distressing. It only became alarming when the White House and American news ...
Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat. Thus did Kipling, the Poet of Empire, ...
The two major national party conventions trotted out this year's brightest and best as if they were displaying prize pigs at a county fair. Highlights included Clint Eastwood ...
GSTAAD—It was far, far worse than the Rodney King El Lay riots of twenty years ago, and it made the London summer fires of 2011 look like a kindergarten’s Guy Fawkes party. ...
The country of my birth no longer much resembles the country of my birth, mainly as a result of mass immigration. Britons were already grumbling about the influx of Third ...
What is Bibi Netanyahu up to? With all his warnings of Iran’s “nuclear capability,” of red lines being crossed, of “breakout,” of the international ...
False allegations about the propaganda technique known as the "Big Lie" have been repeated ad nauseam to the point where, with eye-gouging irony, it has all congealed into ...
The Democrats are done weaving their web in Charlotte, and wow, what a web it was"an intricate lattice of multicolored Silly String that included everyone and said ...
Yet in fact we can now see that those happy, carefree Clinton years were a fool's ...
Although it sounds trite and perhaps a bit juvenile, the crucial trait for any president is empathy. We want fairness in a world that is inherently unequal. We seek understanding ...