There is no bigger douchebag in American politics than Joe Biden. There is possibly no bigger douchebag in the solar system. His florid, monster-truck-sized, off-the-charts ...
After September 11th happened, Graydon Carter famously quipped, “I think it’s the end of the age of irony.” After Romney slayed Obama last week, I unfamously ...
“In Syria, I will work ... to identify and organize those members of the opposition who share our values and ensure they obtain the arms they need to defeat Assad’s ...
President Obama has been a failure. On his watch, the American economy has significantly deteriorated largely because he has stifled free market forces by over-regulating them and ...
We live in an age, we are often informed, of Big Data. Every facet of life is collected, counted, and analyzed carefully: baseball statistics, Twitter trends, and even Google ...
In diplomacy, always leave your adversary an honorable avenue of retreat. Fifty years ago this October, to resolve a Cuban missile crisis that had brought us to the brink of ...
Barack Obama’s greatest talent is his ability to take unabashed lawbreakers or wannabe cop-killers and suddenly turn them into unapologetic cheerleaders for big government. ...
The Middle East and Asia occupy most of our foreign-policy interest these days, but relatively little attention is paid to our most important dangerous foreign contact: ...
George Will recently complained about the "cognitive dissonance" characteristic of our ideological self-descriptions. According to Will, "Twice as many Americans ...
Mitt Romney kicked Barack Obama’s ass so thoroughly Wednesday night, Attorney General Eric Holder has considered charging him with a hate crime. This gives us throbbing ...
This coming weekend marks the six-month anniversary of my fifteen minutes of worldwide fame. To mark the occasion, I shall give over this week’s and next week’s ...
President Obama is a failure as a president, and Gov. Romney is a failure as a candidate. When he took office, Obama told the press that if he couldn’t cure the economic ...
The upcoming presidential debates will likely sidestep details of immigration, employment, offshoring, or public safety. Instead, valuable minutes will be given to philosophical ...
Three days after Ambassador Chris Stevens was assassinated, Jay Carney told the White House press corps it had been the work of a flash mob inflamed by an insulting video about ...
Good evening, Mr. Obama and Mr. Romney. I"ll be your moderator tonight. I hope our audience welcomes you with as much warmth as they can manage. Before I proceed with my ...
The Obama regime's official explanation for the murder of our ambassador to Libya and three staffers amid the destruction of our Benghazi consulate"that it was spontaneous and ...