Making Sense of Obama: The Muslimist

Who is the real Barack Obama? It's an odd question to ask about an incumbent president less than a week before he's up for reelection. It's an especially strange inquiry to make ...

Donald Trump

Obama’s Bumbling Nemesis

Some of my best friends are "€œbirthers."€ So far I"€™ve resisted the temptation to sign up with them, although I loved that bit about the signature on that Hawaiian ...

Mitt Romney

Romney for President

Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people—a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the ...

Can’t We All Just Get Post-Racial?

Four years ago, a starry-eyed, hopeful, and fatally credulous nation elected Barack Obama to the presidency based largely on some dimwitted notion that he would usher us into a ...

Russia Scolds America Back

A detailed report in The New York Times tells about a hearing taking place in the Russian Parliament emphasizing alleged American human-rights violations. Among the featured ...

Italy’s Rotten Judges

Day after day, Italian newspapers pullulate with deeply disturbing examples of the antics of Italy's judges. But this past week has been a vintage one even by Italian standards. ...

Ann Coulter

The Language Police Are Retarded

After the last presidential debate, many conservatives were disappointed in Romney. Bill O"€™Reilly had said this was Mitt's chance to put the final nail in Obama's coffin but ...

Free to Be a Communist

I was reading one of the angrier conservative bloggers the other day when I came to a sentence where he referred to President Obama as a “communist.” It stopped my ...

Cesar Chavez

Little Cesar

Mostly since John Milton's Satan, we"€™ve perversely preferred our villains seductive: charming, witty, brilliant, and physically graceful"€”sometimes precariously more so ...

Negotiations—or War With Iran?

“It would be unconscionable to go to war if we haven’t had such discussions,” said Nicholas Burns, under secretary of state in the Bush administration, of ...

Race Enstupidates and More, Folks!

We're not electing the President of the World ...

The One-Party State

In modern Anglo democracies, no more than one national election in ten offers a choice between fundamentally contrasting policies. I have never been eligible to cast a vote in ...

Behind the Benghazi Cover-up

On Sept. 11, scores of men with automatic weapons and RPGs launched a night assault on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and set the building ablaze. ...

Reverend Terry Jones

Jonesing for Censorship

Canada wouldn’t let Terry Jones into the country last week, and you’re thinking: “Who can blame them? He was the least funny Python.” But I’m ...

The Shriveling Scottish Identity

When Scotland and England were united formally in 1707, the Scottish Earl of Seafield remarked in smug satisfaction, "€œThere's the end of an auld sang."€ But if the Scottish ...

Stacey Dash

The Blacklash Against Stacey Dash

Actress Stacey Dash, star of Clueless, is a black woman from The Bronx who says she voted for Obama in 2008. After she recently Tweeted that she planned to vote for Romney, ...

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