After spending $6 trillion on social welfare and a Green New Deal spending spree and running our national debt up to $33 trillion, President Joe Biden is asking to whip out the ...
So there used to be a self-described “gay Nazi chef” in Sacramento named Walter Mueller (or as I called him, Emeril Lagassechamber). Back in 2003, during my year off from life ...
Perhaps what's most distressing about the latest collapse in high school test scores is that no one seems to be very distressed. You've probably heard the news that ACT scores ...
Pennsylvania's Peter Brothers Trucking delivers goods all across America. Owner Brian Wanner says Pennsylvania bureaucrats now are driving him out of his home state. "We have no ...
I'm hoping liberals' instinct for taking the side of barbarism against civilization has taken a hit after seeing so many stories of the BLM movement bellowing their love for ...
Told ya. From the beginning of the “Groyper movement” and the ascension of Nick Fuentes’ Nazibois, I’ve been warning rightists to be wary of those loons. My advice was ...
The new political dividing line in America’s never-ending culture wars will be economic: Bidenomics versus MAGAnomics. Apparently, Bidenomics will make the average American ...
GSTAAD—My last days in good old Helvetia before heading for sunny London and grubby old New York. And they are beautiful days and crispy nights here while the bells are ringing. ...
President Joe Biden solemnly declared today that he stands with Israel against the terrorists. Great. But his actions in the White House have facilitated these homicidal attacks ...
I was innocently reading my New York Times last week when I was startled by this ghastly headline: "Judge Let Abusive Parents Keep Daughter. Days Later, She Was Dead." As we ...
Regular readers know how much I detest rightist “sleuths.” As I wrote in 2020 (in a column Tucker Carlson got in trouble for sharing), “sleuthing” is the opposite of ...
The good news is, Republicans are finally willing to criticize immigration! The bad news is, it's only to say they are against Americans dying from fentanyl. So proud of you, ...
This week Republicans and Democrats got together to avert a government shutdown. Too bad. There's so much that ought to be shut down. Useless Cabinet departments, for example, ...
Why has Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) declared war on credit cards? Americans are in love with paying with plastic. Perhaps too much so -- given that credit card debt now exceeds $1 ...
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman voice: “I have failed.” I have failed to beat sense into the Gomer Pyles of MAGA regarding Beverly Hills. I’ve shown election data. I’ve shown ...
Half a century ago, in 1972, mad black African cannibal dictator Idi Amin Dada (or “Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas,” as he preferred) suddenly ...