“Chuck Hagel is out of the mainstream of thinking ... on most issues regarding foreign policy,” says GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham. Neocon William Kristol concurs: Hagel is ...
Some years ago, before I attained wisdom, I got a bit closer than I should have to some problems a friend was having with his wife. After one sensational dust-up that left my pal ...
It is not a pleasant time to be French. New head of state Francois Hollande promises to be the most ridiculous president ever to occupy the Elysee Palace. Why such a harsh ...
Eight days after the massacre of 20 first-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary, where each child was shot with a Bushmaster .223, The Nation’s Gun Show, the biggest east of the ...
Weeks after the Sandy Hook shooting, which was blamed on everything from Ke$ha to Mortal Kombat, most news outlets are still in panic mode. One newspaper, though, went “full ...
Does anyone still watch CNN, or as I call it, That Irritating Background Noise at the Airport? When news breaks, most folks hurry to the Drudge Report or FOX News (if ten ...
Imagine if Al Franken gave you a call and offered to fight you. A real fight, too"no gloves, no clock, and no rules. Would you do it? Rich Lowry, editor of National Review, ...
As I lollygagged around the packed convention floor at the Eastman Gun Show in Gainesville, GA amid thousands of guns and what seemed like millions of bullets, it occurred to me ...
What do the government's Equal Marriage Consultation 2012, the article "Same-sex marriage is a true Tory principle," and the letter signed by 19 senior Tories launching ...
For folks who recoil at the thought of hunting animals, progressives sure do enjoy stalking human prey, especially the female of the species. (If I didn"t think "serial ...
As the white flag rises above Republican redoubts, offering a surrender on taxes, the mind goes back to what seemed a worse time for conservatives: December 1964. Barry Goldwater ...
Saudi Arabia will not have Uncle Sam to kick around much longer. This is the best news I"ve heard since both the Governor of New York State and a Congressman from the depraved ...
A popular meme claims there is a “War on Women” in America. Unlike an actual conflict, this conflagration takes on as many metamorphoses as there are maniacs to ...
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner’s opening bid to Speaker John Boehner, a demand for $1.6 trillion in new taxes, was not meant as a serious offer. It was an ultimatum couched ...
In a solemn 2010 convocation of well-heeled feminists in Long Beach, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg shared her hope for an all-female Supreme Court. Although in the bad old days ...
“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another ...” So begins the ...