I never used to believe in miracles before I came to live in Italy, but last week I witnessed the resurrection of a political corpse. It was all thanks to a bizarre potion whose ...
Edward Feser, one of my favorite American philosophers, asks: Why the constant harping about the separation of church and state, but not, say, the separation of naturalistic ...
With the Washington establishment agreeing that what America needs right now is to double down on guest workers and amnesty for illegal aliens, it’s worthwhile to notice how ...
On January 23, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta lifted the ban on women in combat. He gave the generals three years to open up all positions to women, and if any of them think there ...
When, in the 1950s, Nikita Khrushchev said, “We will bury you,” and, “Your children will live under communism,” Eisenhower’s America scoffed. By ...
At the height of its power"it was called “Canada’s natural governing party” for generations"the Liberals made no secret of their desire to make the Great ...
In a tiny hamlet next to where I live high up in the Swiss Alps, two gay friends of mine have set up house, and a beautiful old chalet it is. One man, a German, looks like a ...
Protected by a hundred supersonic fighter jets, ten thousand armored vehicles with machine-gun turrets, and twenty million fully functional military tanks (many of them equipped ...
“Second Term Begins With a Sweeping Agenda for Equality,” ran the eight-column banner in which The Washington Post captured the essence of Obama’s second ...
Rarely have second terms lived up to the hopes and expectations of presidents or their electorates. FDR’s began with an attempt to pack the Supreme Court by adding new ...
What's the Puerto Rican for ...
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” is Newton’s third law of physics. Its counterpart in geopolitics is “blowback,” when ...
If you have listened to President Obama and Vice President Biden talk about guns in the past month, you have heard them express a decided commitment to use the powers of the ...
The left's wailing about gun control should have been over at least two weeks ago, but Alex Jones's erratic interview with Piers Morgan provided enough fuel to keep the anti-gun ...
In the 20th century, only two presidents shaped new governing coalitions that outlasted them. They were the only two men to appear on five national tickets. The first was FDR, ...
As someone who honors the rich "n" noble tapestry of Native American history and culture, I"m sorely vexed that there are still several major sports teams whose names ...