Kamala Harris

Obama Compliments a Woman, Draws Fire

For the first time since Ronald Reagan flew via helicopter off into history in January 1989, I have felt enthusiastic about a US president. To my tremendous"€”and ...

Giorgos Katidis

The Thought-Crime Business is Thriving

NEW YORK—When Greek democracy was restored back in 1974, some “democratic”-leaning newspapers tried to criminalize my writings—so much so, I was sentenced to 16 months in ...

missing asset:https://www.takimag.com/images/uploads/Kim-Jong-Un.jpg

Is War With North Korea Inevitable?

“If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you,” said Calvin Coolidge, who ever counseled ...

Guns and Race

With gun control, murder, and race much in the news, it's worth noting that the Obama Administration has solved its longstanding problem that, according to the federal Bureau of ...

The Long Stomp Through the Institutions

Why is it that those who pride themselves on slaughtering sacred cows always seem to have a herd of them in their own barnyard? As a politically unaffiliated agnostic ...

Tony Blair and George W. Bush

The Three Stooges of the Iraq War

OK, the tenth anniversary of the worst foreign blunder Uncle Sam has ever committed has come and gone, but the post-invasion headlines remain the same: Explosions in Baghdad ...

George Bush Jr and George Bush Sr.

Who Killed the New Majority?

The Republican National Committee has produced an “autopsy” on what went wrong in 2012, when the party failed to win the White House and lost seats in Congress. Yet, ...

General Eric Shinseki

Iraq: Ten Years After

It's been ten years since the Iraq War was launched. Back then, a few prominent individuals endeavored to thwart what is perhaps the greatest strategic mistake in United States ...

Vatican Museum

Public-Relations Advice for the Catholic Church

It seemed that only minutes after the College of Cardinals selected Pope Francis as their new pontiff, the popular press was accusing him of enabling the torture of Jesuit priests ...

Yityish Aynaw

The Depo-Provera Shot Heard “€™round the World

President Obama pointedly requested Yityish Aynaw's presence at this week's banquet in his honor in Jerusalem. Will his eagerness to meet the first Ethiopian-born Miss Israel ...

Was Iraq Worth It?

Ten years ago today, U.S. air, sea and land forces attacked Iraq. And the great goals of Operation Iraqi Freedom? Destroy the chemical and biological weapons Saddam Hussein had ...

Pope Francis—Against the West?

“The Faith is Europe. And Europe is the Faith,” wrote Hilaire Belloc after that bloodbath we call World War I. “Either Europe will return to the Faith or she ...

Ambassador John Bolton

The Case for Intervention: An Interview With John Bolton

Why are we in the Middle East? Liberals tell us that buying oil from Canada and fracking here are dangerous, but what's more dangerous than war? The Cold War made sense. ...

Marco McMillian

The KKKrazy Glue That Holds the Obama Coalition Together

We are constantly told that the GOP is doomed because it’s the party of straight white men. That may well be true, but few have asked: How can the diverse Democrats hold ...

Gay Kryptonite

Gay activists insist that “faggot” comes from the word for the kindling beneath the feet of heretical homosexuals. That’s a lie. But while the word ...

John McCain

Who Speaks Now for the GOP?

Last Wednesday, Sen. Rand Paul rose on the Senate floor to declare a filibuster and pledge he would not sit down until either he could speak no longer or got an answer to his ...

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