The Illusion of Difference

In response to a speech by President Obama at Ohio State on May 5 criticizing those who warn about "€œtyranny,"€ there was a lively exchange last night by the Fox All-Stars ...

The Incredible Talking Weiner

I keep getting surprised by my own naïveté. The case here is that of Anthony D. Weiner, who until two years ago was the US Representative from a Jewish/white-ethnic/black ...

White Lies, Black Borders, and Red Lines

Every schoolchild is taught that the evil Germans invaded Poland in 1939 because they loved killing people (usually infants). This crippled account of history with hatred as its ...

The Government That Cried Wolf

I do not believe the claims regarding the Boston Marathon bombings. I do not believe the Civil Support Team was an innocuous presence. I do not believe the astronomically unlikely ...

President Barack Obama

Their War, Not Ours

“The worst mistake of my presidency,” said Ronald Reagan of his decision to put Marines into the middle of Lebanon’s civil war, where 241 died in a suicide ...

An Open Letter to Justin Trudeau

Dear Justin Trudeau, (Assuming that IS your legitimate surname. Since you’ve evidently inherited your mother’s looks AND brains, your real father might not be ...

Capriles Randonksi and Hugo Chavez

Civil War in Venezuela?

Although Hugo Chavez managed to beat rival Henrique Capriles Randonski in the October 2012 election, Chavez was soundly trounced by Death. Capriles Randonksi managed to gain ...

Jim Carrey

Pulling Our Hearts out of Our Brains

Obama is in a huff this week because his gun bill got shot down like a clay pigeon. Like most of us, he was deeply affected by the massacre at Sandy Hook. Like much of the ...

Robert De Niro

Guns and Whites

Covert agendas play a sizable role in the gun-control debate. If you were to pay attention solely to the handful of homicide cases the press emphasizes, you would assume that the ...

Sam Mullet

Thou Shalt Not Hate Beards

Reality has made quoting Malcolm Muggeridge impossible. That’s OK by me, because between his willfully ignorant campaign against Life of Brian and his equally problematic ...

Is Christianity Homophobic?

That “loving Jesus means hating gay people” is “proclaimed in Christian churches and on Christian television and radio broadcasts.” So declares Dan Savage ...

Anthony Weiner

The Big Rotten Apple

Examining New York politics is like dipping a ladle into the sewer: Any random sampling will yield nothing but toxic shit water. New York City's 2013 mayoral election is seven ...

Susan Patton

Time to Hang up my Jock

NEW YORK—When the president of the United States has to publicly apologize for calling a woman “the best-looking attorney general in the country,” I know it’s time, as we ...

Baroness Margaret Thatcher

Baroness Thatcher, Requiescat in Pace

In 1999, I was interrogated on suspicion of being an Irish Republican Army terrorist plotting to assassinate Baroness Margaret Thatcher with a letter bomb. I was startled by a ...

Kim Jong Un

Big Talker in Little Asia

The world is filled with tough guys who say they are going to smash your face in but never throw a punch. Whether it's a barroom blowhard or Asia's Big Bluffer, few things ...

Language as an Assault Weapon

Come now, all ye tired, poor, and huddled masses of illegal immigrants and bomb-tossing Islamists"€”according to the Associated Press Stylebook, you don"€™t even exist ...

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