If only the Nazis had “come for” Reverend Niemoller sooner. Maybe then we’d never have to hear his stupid “poem” again. “First they ...
“Gentlemen do not read each other’s mail,” said Secretary of State Henry Stimson of his 1929 decision to shut down “The Black Chamber” that decoded ...
Thanks to the UK Guardian, everyone now knows the NSA is spying on US citizens. Our reptilian Congress critters are wondering what the big deal is, since they’ve been ...
According to Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind survey, 29% of US citizens polled say they believe that “In the next few years, an armed revolution might be ...
Recent incidents of Muslims behaving badly"such as the butchering of British soldier Lee Rigby by two Islamic-convert African immigrants, the riots in Stockholm, and the ...
I estimate that a crowd of 1,400,000 gathered in Paris on May 26 for a rally in favor of traditional families and against France’s newly enacted legal extension of civil ...
Do any of you still like the dreaded word “diversity,” which is proudly flung around by those who squirm when the great Enoch Powell’s name comes up? If anything, Powell was ...
Has anybody apologized to Enoch Powell yet? The British establishment declared the Conservative MP a nonperson back in 1968 after he warned that unchecked Third World immigration ...
The thrice-promised land it has been called. It is that land north of Mecca and Medina and south of Anatolia, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. In ...
Last week saw prolonged riots in Sweden and a surreal midday beheading in England, while the paid parrots of the Multi Cult spared no effort in blaming everyone but the rioters ...
It has been nearly a hundred years since Sir James Frazer completed his tremendous work of anthropology The Golden Bough. The book scandalized many Christians, suggesting as it ...
No, this is not Watergate or Iran-Contra. Nor is it like the sex scandal that got Bill Clinton impeached. The AP, IRS and Benghazi matters represent a scandal not of presidential ...
One of the countless unsightly blemishes upon the human condition’s soiled visage is that people tend to only get outraged about injustice when it directly affects ...
People who live among words, books, and ideas, and who are scholars, or hobnob with scholars, or dream of being scholars, occasionally need reminding of the social world's true ...
Jason Richwine, the young conservative scholar who co-authored the Heritage Foundation report on the long-term costs of the amnesty bill backed by the “Gang of Eight,” ...
Spring is in the air, which means that it’s time for another insane moral panic regarding the Great Egalitarian Unmentionable: The idea that true diversity of the cognitive ...