President Barack Obama and Rev. Al Sharpton

Leading From Behind Al Sharpton

“The First Black President ... Spoke First as a Black American,” ran the banner headline of Sunday’s Washington Post. But why, when the fires of anger over the ...

The Gulag Peninsula

If caught reading the wrong book in the Soviet Union you weren’t interrogated, you were imprisoned. On many occasions people were simply murdered. Of course, there was ...

President Barack Obama

Shut It Down, Mr. President

Trayvon Martin was an unarmed teenager walking home from a convenience store with Skittles and iced tea, when he was shot to death by a racist, profiling wannabe cop named George ...

Tahrir Square

The Arab Spring Turns to Summer

Roughly one year ago Mohamed Morsi won Egypt's presidential election. At the time there was jubilation and optimism. Finally, the head of state would represent the people.   It ...

We the Citizens

An article of faith has many first drafts. We struggle to find a manner to say what must be said while saying it within the law. We know legal sanctioning of the illegal ...

John McCain

Judas McCain

John McCain may be the most treasonous man who ever lived. McCain must contend with Hitler, the Marquis de Sade, Benedict Arnold, and others to claim this crown. But John ...

The Cold Civil War Grinds On

Back in January I drew some parallels between the Civil War whose 150th anniversary is upon us and the lesser conflicts that disturb our domestic peace nowadays. I quoted Senator ...

The Abolition of Racial and Ethnic Preferences

In America's fifth year of having a black president, the five Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices had an opportunity on Monday to abolish racial and ethnic preferences for ...

Sarah Palin

It’s the Fertility, Stupid

Sarah Palin can"€™t raise your taxes. She can"€™t send your children to war. Yet almost five years after her failed bid to occupy Number One Observatory Circle, Palin's ...

The Pentagon’s Surrender to Feminism

“The Pentagon unveiled plans Tuesday for fully integrating women into front-line and special combat roles, including elite forces such as Army Rangers and Navy ...

This Rather Strange Alliance

When a draft-dodging con man such as Bill Clinton begins to sound like General George Patton, most intelligent people realize that the fix is in. Clinton recently remonstrated ...

Turned by the Spooks

One of the upsides to living in the panopticon is the ability to call powerful people on things they were saying a few years ago. Glen Greenwald has begun to do so, noticing that ...

A Reluctant Warrior Tiptoes to War

Barack Obama has just taken his first baby steps into a war in Syria that may define and destroy his presidency. Thursday, while he was ringing in Gay Pride Month with LGBT ...

The Bell Tolls for the ‘New Majority’

Next year should be a banner year for the GOP, and may yet be. Obamacare, a “train wreck” about to happen, says Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, goes into full effect Jan. ...

Weiner the Wanker

I despise Anthony Weiner, and not just because he is protected by pals at The New York Times. All one has to do is look at this hideous freak and suddenly all the world's ...

Does Israel Have a Backdoor to US Intelligence?

Edward Snowden’s leaks about the spying capabilities of the US government and Silicon Valley have ignited speculation about what the emerging “surveillance ...

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