Self-Esteem Über Alles

As the civil-rights movement settles into stagnation and one nostrum after the next fails to move the needle, public rituals celebrating the faith have become de rigueur. Nowhere ...

Dwight Eisenhower

What Did Our Wars Win?

“He ended one war and kept us out of any other,” is the tribute paid President Eisenhower. Ike ended the Korean conflict in 1953, refused to intervene to save the ...

Hillary Clinton

Triumph of the Mediocre

Hillary Clinton, so we are told, kept a spreadsheet devoted to her enemies, whom she rated on a scale of her own devising. I can"€™t say this surprised me: Mrs. Clinton ...

The Illusion of Government

In a paroxysm of patriotic musing, I reflected that Washington is an insular, incestuous, inward-looking city, chiefly interested in itself, so politically inbred as to be in ...

Those Who Sacrifice Liberty for Facebook

On Christmas Day, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden released a video statement on the implications of massive government spying. The exile to Russia reminded us once again that ...

The War on the Way We Were

When I first heard that the newest mayor of New York's first action in office was to denude the city of horse-drawn carriages, I thought it was probably a joke. I figured some ...

George Smitherman

The Man Who Almost Became Toronto’s Crazy Mayor

George Smitherman is supposed to be the mayor of Toronto. During the 2010 election, the former deputy premier was the liberal elite's standard-bearer. Sure, his name was attached ...

All the News Their Bias Allows

One of the great but perverse pleasures of my life when I"€™m in New York City is to read The New York Times. It's perverse because no paper north of Saudi Arabia lies quite as ...

Same Old Neocons

During these holidays we should take a second and send our best wishes to the neocons, poor dears, who are having a bad time during this holy season because their plans have gone ...

Michelle Bachelet

Man’s Eternal Struggle for Self-Importance

Chile is one of many faraway countries of which I know nothing, but I was intrigued to read in the French press of its recent presidential election. Socialist candidate Michelle ...

A Sozzled Apprehension of Politics

I am seated in front of the Optiplex, drinking Padre Kino red and garnering insight. The garnering is tough these days. Still, to this end nothing is so effective as cheap Mexican ...

Kim Jong Un

Caligula in Pyongyang

You remember Caligula. John Hurt played him with creepy malignity in the old BBC production of I, Claudius. Caligula was the third emperor of Rome on a strict count (which ...

The Progressive Roots of Prohibition

December 5, 2013 was the 80th annual Repeal Day, AKA the day that Prohibition was repealed. It is the highest holiday for me and my coreligionists, the American Drunkards ...

New York

Is Putin One of Us?

Is Vladimir Putin a paleoconservative? In the culture war for mankind’s future, is he one of us? While such a question may be blasphemous in Western circles, consider the ...

South Africa’s Dubious Liberation

The unctuous pseudo-grief in the West after Nelson Mandela's death at the good age of 95 was to me nauseating in the extreme; it was so overdone that, though I am no Freudian, it ...

Church of Mary Magdalene, Jerusalem

A Safe Christmas for Christians in the Holy Land

This Christmas our thoughts need to be with our fellow Christians who are being threatened in the biblical lands. No ifs or buts about it, they are being told to either join the ...

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