One Nazi Wedding Cake to Go, Please

Last Wednesday, Arizona's lizard-skinned Governor Jan Brewer vetoed what had largely been described as an “anti-gay bill,” even though the bill’s text ...

Teachers R Dum

My daughter recently received a Post-it note on her homework that read, “Your [sic] Awesome!” A year or two ago her teacher had written, “No merkers! ...

Sour Thoughts From the Police Beat

Things don"€™t work like they spoza. A cause of this dysfunction is the notion that criminals can "€œpay their debt to society"€ and then be all better, as if crimes were ...

After the Deluge

Britannia, we proudly and rather wistfully proclaim, rules the waves. Over the last couple of weeks, however, it has seemed that the waves are ruling Britannia. Reading the UK ...

Equality: Where’s the Evidence?

With all due respect to the Founding Fathers, I do not find it "€œself-evident"€ that all men are created equal. If anything, it appears bleedingly obvious that they are ...

Tightening the Noose Around Iran

My first memories of learning were The Iliad and The Odyssey. This was Greece, after all, and although it was mythology, as a three- to four-year-old I took Achilles, Helen, ...

The Kremlin, Moscow

Nationalism Is a Blast

On this 100th anniversary of the Great War, the rise of anti-Russian jingoism in the American media is apparent to both the right and the left. In The Nation, NYU Russian Studies ...

Victoria Nuland

Tell the Truth and Don”€™t Apologize

I suppose the biggest topical subject of the moment is the Winter Olympics. Unfortunately, sport has never been my thing. I can"€™t catch, throw, or hit, have precious little ...

George Osborne, MP

Britain’s New Tax Spat

The latest political spat in the UK is over income tax. Well, let me qualify that. It would be terrific if there really were a debate about the existence of income tax. After all, ...

Apathy Toward Tyranny

Conspiracy theories used to involve a handful of loonies obsessing over isolated alleged events. Today, what used to be seen as freak occurrences are now an endless barrage of ...

The Strategic Beer Initiative

As cultures ancient and modern continue their clash along the bleeding arc from Timbuktu to Afghanistan, America's policy mandarins are searching for a way out of a dilemma that ...

Hillary Clinton

The Congressional Enemies List

One of modern life's great canards is that women were historically shut out of the workplace. Yet from Hollywood to London, there have long been prominent ladies in the office if ...

A Post-American Middle East

GSTAAD"€”From the top of the mountain that overlooks my Swiss chalet I can almost see Lake Geneva"€”on a clear day, that is, but thankfully what I cannot see are the armies of ...

Leonardo DiCaprio

The World Decency Forum

GSTAAD—If a catastrophic avalanche were to crush the Davos convention hall where the fat cats of this world were meeting recently, I’m afraid there would be a lot of discreet ...

Infinite Arrogance, Infinite Incompetence

Oh lord. Oh lord. Can the government do anything right? There is no evidence for it. None. Everything it touches turns to grotesque failure. It hurts me to contemplate the federal ...

Mencius Moldbug aka Curtis Yarvin

Overreacting to Neoreaction

Mainstream liberal blogs have recently discovered the neoreactionary movement, also known as the Dark Enlightenment, which is a plucky collection of backward-looking upstarts that ...

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