But Is It Good for the Gays?

Young Jewish Man: "€œIs there a proper blessing for the Czar?"€ Rabbi: "€œA blessing for the Czar? Of course! May God bless and keep the Czar… far away from ...

Softly Wiping the Chalk From the Blackboard

The 15th annual White Privilege Conference ended on Saturday in Madison, WI. As is usually the case with the locales for such public displays of white ethnomasochism, ...

John Kerry

Pickle Boy Steps Up: Dill, Sweet, or Kosher?

Now, about this Crimea thing: What I figure is, the top part of the Feddle Gummint got dropped on its head when it was little, and the rest is just asleep, or might as well be. We ...

Half a Loaf

William Goldman's fantasy tale The Princess Bride made famous the saying “never get involved in a land war in Asia” (it was purportedly advice General Douglas ...

No Tweets for Turkey

Last week, Turkey decided to ban Twitter. The move was a reaction to supposed evidence that had spread on the website purporting to corroborate allegations of corruption within ...

Yoweri Museveni

God, Gaga, and John Kerry on the Dark Continent

The West used to send Bible-waving missionaries to Africa to try and pry open the natives"€™ eyes to the truth. Now it sends scientists. US Secretary of State John Kerry has ...

Tony Benn

The Death of Two Left-Wing Idealists

Last week saw the passing of two prominent figures on the extreme left wing of British politics: Tony Benn and Bob Crow. Politicians of all persuasions have made the inevitable ...

Dmitro Yarosh

Waving the False Flag

With murky foreign affairs much in the news, it’s worth trying to figure out how to think about the notion of “false flag” operations"€”would, say, a ...

How Can We Get Rid of Puerto Rico?

Is a baseball mitt a toy? How about a trampoline? Is a goose a farm animal or a wild animal? Is chess-playing an art or a science? Do I shelve a novel about China with my fiction ...

Learning to Laugh at Stereotypes

Of all the millions of ways to be an asshole, the status quo regards "€œracism"€ as the most alarming. Put on your X-ray specs and you’ll see the contagion everywhere. ...

One if by Land, Two if by Sea

While American geopolitical thought tends to divide the world up morally into the Democratic (whoever is on our side) and the Evil (vice-versa), Russians tend to strategize ...

The War on Discipline

Since the 1960s we have spent trillions to uplift the bottom. All nostrums, whether liberal or conservative, free market or statist, have failed and there is nothing on the agenda ...

Vladimir Putin

A Newer, Better Cold War

In case you"€™ve been on vacation in an Internet-less corner of the world, you already know that Russia has a military presence in Crimea. And if you"€™re on Twitter or spend ...

Scotland’s Foolish Romanticism

In just under 200 days, Scottish voters will face a referendum on whether or not to leave the United Kingdom. The milestone was marked by ongoing arguments about whether an ...

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Return of the Japan Scam

One of life’s safest bets is that following a visit by a Japanese premier to the Yasukuni Shrine, which honors the nation’s war dead, a lot of Chinese mega-crooks and ...

Col. Oliver North

America Is a Communist Country

When I was 19 I attended college briefly before dropping out and returning to my promising career of shifting aimlessly from job to job. During my initial stint at UMass I had the ...

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