A Tailgate Under the Hanging Tree

"€œDa news!"€ yells a 70-year-old man at the bar around the corner from my office. Then he harrumphs and adds, "€œYeah, I LOVE watching da news."€ His friend the ...

Leonard Nimoy

Donald Sterling, Brain Leper

If a curious Martian were to suddenly visit Earth, the brouhaha surrounding Donald Sterling's racist rant would be deeply perplexing. You see, Martians are like Vulcans, and can ...

Hyde Park IRA Bombing

Children of Wrath

One summer's day 32 years ago, during a spell of employment at the U.K. offices of Marathon Oil Corp. in London's Marylebone Road, I was taking lunch at a nondescript greasy spoon ...

Racism: The Eighth Deadly Sin

I am not a religious man, which is why I don’t identify as a modern liberal. Neither do I believe in the objective existence of good and evil, which is why most human beings ...

Doublethink v. SCOTUS

Last Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court decided by a 6-2 margin that the 2006 Michigan voter-initiated ban on racial preferences in college admission was ...

Just Another Bloody Sunday

Last Christmas Day, a drone missile flew into the Pakistani village of Qutab Khel and killed four suspected militants. Their identities couldn"€™t be confirmed because their ...

Prank-Calling the Police State

This all happened last week: "€¢ In South Dakota, someone claiming to be a 16-year-old boy called the county sheriff’s office and said he’d rigged his house with ...

Sochi 2013

Don”€™t Bait the Bears

Back in 1961 a CIA agent and I approached Thomas Lejus, who won the 1959 boys"€™ singles championship for the Soviet Union at Wimbledon. We took him to Café Royal, where ...

Fourteen Drugs and Pot

Now that Colorado has legalized marijuana (though not for 4th graders), drugs are back in the news, and that inevitably brings the discussion to the decriminalization of all ...

While We”€™re at It

Retired SCOTUS Justice John Paul Stevens wants to amend the U.S. Constitution, I see. The old boy"€”he's just turned 94"€”has a book out in which he proposes six ...

So What?

I am puzzled as to why racism is thought to be a terrible thing, rather than entirely natural and often reasonable, and why people allow themselves to be browbeaten about it. ...

Maria Miller MP

An Honest Day’s Pay

The latest British parliamentary spat was a further ripple from the scandal about MPs"€™ expenses that first splashed into our headlines in 2009. In December 2012, it was ...

The End of Ideology?

On our TV talk shows and op-ed pages, and in our think tanks here, there is rising alarm over events abroad. And President Obama is widely blamed for the perceived decline in ...

Cliven Bundy

The Vanishing Yokel

Even his homespun-sounding name"€”Cliven Bundy"€”hints that he is part of a dying breed. Reputed to be the “last rancher in South Nevada,” he locked horns with the ...

The Care Bears vs. McCarthy

Catholic libertarian Jeffrey Tucker recently introduced us to the concept of "€œlibertarian brutalism."€ The distilled version: Libertarianism is well and good, but can"€™t ...

Brendan Eich

The New Blacklist

“There is a gay mafia,” said Bill Maher, “if you cross them you do get whacked.” Maher, the host of HBO’s “Real Time,” was talking about ...

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