Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, a Vietnam war veteran and the lone Republican on Obama’s national security team, has been fired. And John McCain’s assessment is dead ...
I have been reading Paul Johnson's new short biography of Dwight Eisenhower. This fulfills a long-standing intention of the feebler kind"a velleity, Bill Buckley would have ...
“How do you like the Journal’s war?” So boasted the headline of William Randolph Hearst’s New York flagship that week in 1898 that the United States ...
One of the merits of Christianity at its best is that it reconciles the infinite greatness of man with his infinite littleness. On the one hand man is created in the image of God, ...
Liberals love blacks but they love them like a fantasy football team, not like human beings. Black poverty is the crux of the leftist argument. The ethos goes: if you"re a ...
In 1956, 19 Democratic Senators and 82 Democratic House members signed a Southern Manifesto pledging to resist the integration of Southern public schools as ordered by Earl ...
On Wednesday, Republicans seized control of the Senate. What's more important, women regained control of reality. It's been a rough few decades for feminism. They began by ...
“A mass movement,” wrote Eric Hoffer in “The True Believer,” “appeals not to those intent on bolstering and advancing a cherished self, but to those ...
I am perhaps unique among modern Americans in the sense that I find so-called "hate groups" to be tremendously amusing rather than appalling. Flailing about uncowed and ...
I"m in Toronto right now guest-hosting a show on Sun News called Straight Talk. Thank God. The Canadian media have been dominated by the CBC since the 1930s and they make ...
Normally a synod of Catholic bishops does not provide fireworks rivaling the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, where Mayor Richard Daley’s boys in blue ran up ...
Only barroom bores bemoan the real-life dearth of science fiction's long promised "flying cars." (As I"ve said before, we already have flying cars. They"re called ...
Full disclosure: I am neither a Christian nor a lesbian. Still, I doubt that Sam Houston would have given a man who claimed to be a woman the key to his outhouse. Annise Parker, ...
When then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid saw fit to ram the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (now affectionately known as ...
So how are you doing at keeping up with events in MENA (the Middle East and North Africa)? Can the new Iraqi government get some kind of military act together? Will the Kurds ...
This month marks 50 years since Mario Savio stood atop a police car at UC Berkeley and gave an impassioned speech to throngs of young pampered radicals that launched what is now ...