Political correctness. The dreariest, most depressing and dismal words in the English language, almost as depraved as the word "hype." The apostles of P.C. claim to teach ...
If I were a North Korean leader, or even an ISIS head chopper, I"d be reveling in the fact that a black American former basketball star spoke more plainly about race in ...
Not three years ago, in these very virtual pages, I mourned the extinction of the loony-bin luminary. Bedlam and Bellevue were once bursting with faux Napoleons and ersatz ...
Who was the great villain of the 20th century"the person most to blame for the evils of those decades? The stock answer is the person whose name is an anagram of ...
The Progressive crack-up of late 2014 began in early November: the voters rejected the Democrats" "Coalition of the Fringes" campaign themes of Ferguson, feminism, and ...
“Abe tightens grip on power as Japanese shun election.” So ran the page one headline of the Financial Times on the victory of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in ...
I was in New York when Lehman Brothers collapsed, in Dubai when property lost half its value in a few days, and in Dublin recently when there was a demonstration against the ...
C.S. Lewis once said: "Where men are forbidden to honour a king they honour millionaires, athletes or film-stars instead: even famous prostitutes or gangsters." He ...
Brought before a House inquisition, MIT professor and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber burbled a recantation of his beliefs about how that triumph of liberalism had been ...
Last week, in the wake of the grand jury's decision in Ferguson and the ensuing night of undocumented shoppers, I was planning to write the definitive essay on why the engineers ...
Hopefully, Russians realize that our House of Representatives often passes thunderous resolutions to pander to special interests, which have no bearing on the thinking or actions ...
I was not surprised Chuck Hagel had to go. After all, he was among the very few in governments of late who had ever seen combat, not to mention to have been wounded. Men of his ...
Soon after Barack Obama's November 20th amnesty announcement, I was having an e-discussion about it with a friend, a legal scholar. The precise topic of the discussion was the ...
In July of 1967, after race riots gutted Newark and Detroit, requiring troops to put them down, LBJ appointed a commission to investigate what happened, and why. The Kerner ...
Well, that's been a depressing few days, hasn"t it? Have you been watching the pictures on TV? Howling mobs of blacks throwing bottles; overturned cars; stores looted and ...
Months of egging on the mob in Ferguson, Missouri by the Obama Administration, the Democratic Party, and the national media in order to goose turnout in this month's midterm ...