The Left’s Ever-Shifting Goalposts

"€œMoving the goalposts"€ is a logical fallacy favored by those on the left who are constantly hectoring the rest of us about how we"€™re not making sufficient progress ...

Hillary Blames the Cops

Had Freddie Gray been robbed, beaten and left to die in the streets of his Baltimore neighborhood, no one would be mourning him today. No one would be marching for Freddie. No ...

Reflections on the English Identity

I was standing in Stamford, Lincolnshire on Saturday, admiring as always the architecture so splendidly Georgian it is used for filming Jane Austen adaptations. But that day the ...

Africa on the Brink

The governments of Europe are confronting an epochal choice in the Mediterranean. Do they allow Europe to remain on course toward inundation by the African population explosion, ...

The GOP’s Rush to Suicide

The 2016 presidential primary season has kicked off with a veritable Rainbow Coalition of prospective candidates. Rubio and Cruz are all-in for the GOP, with Fiorina and Carson ...

Camp of the Stupids

The mass drowning of eight or nine hundred"€”nobody knows precisely"€”illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean last Sunday triggered a lot of commentary about these boat ...

Refuge from the Refugees

A woman friend once told me that the secret of being a bitch is to tell the truth in the nastiest possible way. In Fleet Street a succession of women journalists have been paid ...

Obama’s Republican Collaborators

The GOP swept to victory in November by declaring that this imperial presidency must be brought to heel, and President Obama’s illicit seizures of Congressional power must ...

Jeb Bush

Conveniently Latino

About three weeks ago I had already grown Officially Tired of Election 2016, so I imagine the next year and a half will be torture for me. If there is any real difference between ...

Hillary and Bill Clinton

All You Need to Know About Hillary’s Campaign

When our first black president was elected, people took to the streets to cheer. It was the first time that many of us felt genuinely proud of our country. Who would have ever ...

Jon Snow

Tepee Time in London

Guardian journalist Zoe Williams is worried. "€œIs the left in Britain still alive and well?"€ she asks. Apparently, "€œno one quite knows where it has gone, or what it ...

President Barack Obama

The Obama Doctrine

At the Summit of the Americas where he met with Raul Castro, the 83-year-old younger brother of Fidel, President Obama provided an insight into where he is taking us, and ...

Insidious Orwellian Machines

I met Doug Williams in August while developing a pilot for a TV show about myth busting. He's the most vocal critic of polygraph machines in the world and authored the book From ...

Nicola Sturgeon

Change for Change’s Sake

Britain's new multi-party politics has pundits and bookies salivating at the prospect of minority governments, hung parliaments, awkward alliances, and kingmakers after the May ...

Civil Service Examinations Make a Comeback

Is Barack Obama keeping a little list of ongoing litigation against the federal government that he intends to take a dive on during the interregnum after the 2016 election? I ...

The Accidental Gawker

Whenever I see liberals salivating over some black guy I"€™ve never heard of, my first instinct is always suspicion. Call it "€œObama Trauma."€ When they described Neil ...

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