“Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide,” wrote James Burnham in his 1964 “Suicide of the West.” Burnham predicted that the mindless magnanimity of ...
My Syrian Christian friends"refugees themselves in Bucharest, though affluent refugees"are strongly opposed to admitting Muslim asylum seekers into Europe. They have ...
Why do so many immigrants come to America only to bitch about it? Well, I mean, apart from the obvious answer, which is that conditions here are far better than they were in the ...
"Nothing is more indicative of white supremacy than the fact that the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is controversial," opines regular CNN guest Marc Lamont Hill. The ...
Ten weeks before the first U.S.-Soviet summit ever held in Moscow, in May 1972, North Vietnam, with Soviet-supplied armor and artillery, crossed the DMZ in an all-out offensive to ...
Last night, while perusing the periodicals, I read that Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders held a rally inside a sweaty gymnasium somewhere in Conway, New Hampshire ...
South Park loves taking shots at Hollywood leftists, and never was that done with more skill than in the episode "Smug Alert," in which liberal self-satisfaction, ...
One of the most annoying terms in the progressive lexicon"right up there with “rape culture,” “social construct,” and “problematic”"is ...
God bless the South. As a Pennsylvania-born descendant of loyalists, I can"t say that enough. From resisting tariffs to the Civil War to desegregation, the South has been a ...
Leftists truly understand the power of labels. They know that labels, properly utilized, have the ability to stigmatize and marginalize. "Cisgender" is a perfect example. ...
This weekend, Donald Trump posted a short position paper on immigration policy that begins with this blast of patriotic common sense: When politicians talk about "immigration ...
“Trump’s immigration proposals are as dangerous as they are stunning,” railed amnesty activist Frank Sharry. “Trump ... promises to rescind protections ...
Like all lies uncorrected, the #BlackLivesMatter movement has become a religion with evangelists, disciples, heretics, opportunists, and enforcers. First, the media spread the ...
I met Donald Trump during the late "90s, at a grand party thrown by Lord Black for his wife's 60th birthday. It was in New York, Conrad Black was at the height of his power as ...
In February 2013, when my audience was composed primarily of mainstream Republicans, I wrote a column titled "Masturbating Conservatives." The right was still smarting ...
Just as Rodney Dangerfield once went to a fight and a hockey game broke out, the Justice Department, George Soros, and the national media encouraged yet another crime spree in ...