Dear MAGA: What if You Were Wrong?

I have a question for MAGA following Trump’s blowout victory against a cackling cretinous curry-stained flesh-and-blood Thalia mask: How could it have happened? According to the rule you’ve lived by for four years, a rule that made you storm the Capitol, assault cops, destroy property, and, in some cases, die yourselves, trampled under the feet of your imbecilic cohorts, Trump’s victory not only shouldn’t have happened but couldn’t have happened. The Deep State’s in full control, no? It can steal any election. Right? However you envision this “higher power,” whatever ...

Dear MAGA: What if You Were Wrong?

I have a question for MAGA following Trump’s blowout victory against a cackling cretinous curry-stained flesh-and-blood Thalia mask: How could it have happened? According to ...

Viva Le Donne di Berlusconi, Viva Italia!

In April, I noted that television ratings indicate that sports audiences skew Republican and entertainment audiences Democratic. "€œWhich is more useful to control for ...

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