Joshua Goldberg is a walking stereotype of an Internet troll (Fat? Check. Lives with his mom? Check. No social life? Check). Through his complicated network of online personas, ...
Doctor Johnson wisely advised writers to strike out those passages in their own work that they found particularly fine; but the opposite of this advice is followed each week by ...
I call "false advertising" on the Washingtonian. Its July 24 piece by Benjamin Freed promises that we"ll "Meet the Guy Who's Protesting a Maryland Theater's ...
The horrific mass shooting in a Charleston church is bringing out the best in all of us. I might be using the word "best" incorrectly. Left-wing pundits are blaming ...
Of all the contentious issues on the cultural and political scene today, the "draw Muhammad" controversy seems to bring out the most unsavory types, on all sides. It's ...
There comes a time in any man's life when he wants to accumulate no more possessions, but rather disembarrass himself of those he already has. For otherwise he is in danger of ...
First, a follow up to last week's column: Despite being presented with (singular) evidence to the contrary, I clung weakly to my belief that few Professional Conservatives"¢ ...
"I love Anne Frank humor as much as the next guy" is a line I could never get away with. Fortunately, I"m not the one who said it. The quote is courtesy of Jill ...
But of our work, the work of our order and in particular the work of this monastery, a part"indeed, the substance"is study, and the preservation of knowledge. Preservation ...
Welcome to 2015, the year that speaking and writing freely had to stop. Anything that might cause trauma to anyone of any race except the white one will be expunged, and the ...
When I read about Joan Rivers" death, my eyes welled up with stinging tears. Not because she"d died (come on: she was 81) but in anticipation of the mouthwatering ...
I generally don’t care about the Middle East, but since no one ever seems to shut the fuck up about it for more than five minutes, I will state for the record that I think ...
My version of Proverbs 30:18"19 goes: There are three things that I do not understand: the success of Al Jolson, the popularity of Milton Berle, and the appeal of Archie ...
So there's a frickin" rape quilt now. Remember the AIDS quilt? Back in the 1980s, gays swiped another quaint, wholesome, colorful thing (rainbows, anyone?) to trick us into ...
Writing in The Atlantic, Ta-Nehisi Coates"you can thank his Black Panther dad for giving him that self-segregating first name"recently penned a sprawling essay called ...
Though Malaysia Airlines flights have a tendency to get lost, American Airlines is infinitely reliable, and the business class on their new A319s feels like you"re sitting in ...