I gather I was supposed to gasp when Michael Cohen said during his testimony before Congress on Wednesday, "The president of the United States thus wrote a personal check for the ...
Christmas is supposed to be a holiday for Christians, but this year Santa’s bringing a very special present for America’s Jews: the gift of seeing Ruth Bader Ginsburg the way ...
The 20-foot balloon depicting a scowling orange Donald Trump in diapers was intended to depict Trump, rather than his critics, as infantile. The “Trump Baby” balloon was the ...
I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about Paul Nehlen. After all, why bother thinking about something that’s going to be gone in a matter of months? Nehlen, who’s ...
“What is it with you Jews, anyway?” asks Clint Eastwood’s shell-shocked Air Force pilot in the 1982 thriller Firefox. And damned if last week I didn’t find myself asking ...
On a recent visit to Geneva, somebody handed me a pamphlet titled 170 Daily Actions to Transform Our World, produced, so an understandably self-effacing line on its rear inside ...
Experts. Oy vey, do I have experts! Social media is nothing if not filled with experts, and nothing brings them out of the woodwork quicker than some large-scale disaster. Two ...
It's official: Atheists now occupy a lower place than Muslims in the "progressive stack," meaning that in the Sacred Church of Equality, Muslims are now considered holier ...
Not to fall prey to bitter emotion is easier said than avoided. And, far more often than I"d like, I become the inflamed possession of spite's nefarious claw, particularly ...
Often, when people who know me primarily through my writing meet me in person, what stands out to them the most is that I rarely cuss in person. It can be a little disconcerting, ...
In the forty-year battle between Ernst Zundel and the Jews, I think we can finally declare a winner. Hold on to your hats, folks, because the end result is a real shocker. In ...
What is it with Republicans and Hitler? I mean, really, how difficult is it to avoid Hitler gaffes? Some of the best GOP stumbles in recent memory have involved one of two topics: ...
Dr. Frankenstein had nothing on leftists. Frankenstein's monster merely terrorized the countryside. The monsters birthed by the left tend to terrorize countries, cultures, and ...
Somebody get the naltrexone; the Jews are cutting again. Jews have a baffling tendency to resort to self-harm during times of crisis. Mind you, all professional victim groups have ...
There was something deeply satisfying about watching Sunday's Academy Awards show end in unmitigated disaster. It was the perfect capper to a very bad year for our beloved ...
Hollywood simply cannot conceal its massive butthurt over Donald Trump winning the election. With awards season in full swing, expect a slew of Meryl Streep moments from now ...