Martin Amis

Martin Amis and the Lower Depths

When I learned that Martin Amis, the novelist, had died, I felt a stab of sorrow. I did not know him personally, and heard him speak only once, at the memorial service for an acquaintance of mine. He spoke well, but it was not an occasion for rhetorical brilliance. He behaved like a perfectly civilized man, and in a dignified and modest manner. Part of the reason for my sorrow was that Amis was only six weeks older than I, and therefore his death brought home to me by how thin a thread my own life is now suspended. He died of cancer of the esophagus, like his friend, the journalist ...

Chuck Berry

Chuck Berry: Duckwalking Towards Bethlehem

I call them the "€œAckchyuallies"€: the concern trolls who reflexively politicize and pollute every occasion of mass recollection, wailing, "€œColumbus was a mass ...

Martin McGuinness

A Complicated Eulogy

It would have been a surprise if the obituaries of Martin McGuinness, chief of staff of the Provisional IRA and subsequently a key figure in the peace process and then deputy ...

The Church of Chick

Jack Chick is dead, alas, and along with him any hope for new additions to his corpus of strangely endearing Evangelical scare tracts. Even those who aren"€™t aficionados ...

Henry Harpending

The Scientist vs. the SPLC

The dumbing down of the establishment left is amusingly illustrated by how the Southern Poverty Law Center, America's most lucrative hate group, put the great scientist Henry ...

David Bowie as the

The Thin White Corpse

Another day, another dead British rock star who famously flirted with fascist symbolism. Two weeks ago it was Lemmy, and now comes word that David Bowie has finally floated away ...

missing asset:ünter_Grass_auf_dem_Blauen_Sofa.jpg

Günter Grass:Truth and Lies

Right after I hit "€œsend"€ on my second last column "€“ the one about being short "€“ I kicked myself (as best I could with these damn stubby legs) for forgetting to ...

Pete Seeger

If I Had a Sickle

After tormenting the rest of us for nigh on a century, last week that unrepentant communist and multimillionaire folk “singer” Pete Seeger was shipped off to the ...

Eddie Ulmann

A Farewell to Bunky

The only man I know who belonged to more gentlemen's clubs than Eddie Ulmann was the late Bobby Sweeny of amateur golf fame, who once pleaded poverty to me while signing checks to ...

Dominique Venner

Dancing on a Hero’s Grave

As a college student I would buy copies of The New Yorker to sample the sparkling prose of James Thurber and S. J. Perelman and to appreciate the clever cartoons that graced each ...

Hugo Chavez

Remembering Hugo

You will be missed, Hugo Chavez. The world has lost a man who was larger than life, and we don"€™t only mean your Body Mass Index. We will always love and admire you, even ...

Phyllis Diller

5 x 6 Feet Under

The Grim Reaper thinned the herd of baby-boomer entertainment icons this summer. Ernest Borgnine, Andy Griffith, Phyllis Diller, William Windom, and"€”ahem"€”Scott McKenzie ...

Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal: Pleased to Leave You

Gore Vidal was as good as it gets where writing is concerned. I can"€™t think of a single awkward sentence he ever wrote, and he wrote a hell of a lot for someone from a very ...

Ray Bradbury

Someone Righteous This Way Went

Ray Bradbury is dead. For the past twenty years I have dreaded writing those words. The effusive homages to a man who was arguably America's greatest living writer are in full ...

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