Sixteen years ago this July, the then-presumptive nominee of the Democrat Party for president, Barack Obama, gave a pre–Independence Day speech in Colorado Springs, featuring the usual platitudes about our history, our heritage, and the meaning of the day. Considering his shady past and life story of being raised and mentored by Stalinists and America-hating racialists as opposed to his fabricated media hagiography, and our “lived experience,” to borrow a leftist phrase, of his horrendous two official terms (plus the Biden puppet administration) in office, it was of course thoroughly ...
That America created only 88,000 jobs in March, less than half the number anticipated, was jolting news, indicating the recovery that the White House has boasted about may not be at hand. But in ...
Rising inequality “is the defining issue of our time,” said President Obama in his Osawatomie speech that echoed the “New Nationalism” address Theodore Roosevelt delivered in ...
America is in debt past its eyeballs. Unemployment remains stuck near double digits. Small and large businesses, unions and insurers are clamoring for Obamacare waivers in droves. ...
Have we ever had a president so disconnected from the heart of America? On Friday night, at a White House iftar, the breaking of the Ramadan fast, Obama strode directly into the ...
Not since President Eisenhower sent troops to Little Rock and JFK sent U.S. marshals to the University of Alabama has the federal government seemed so at war with a state of the ...
Even lifelong Democratic pol Steny Hoyer, majority leader of the U.S. House, is balking at Barack Obama’s latest bailout proposal. “I think there is spending ...
"It never seems to amaze me" (as P Diddy once said) how confidently people speak about something as incredibly complex as healthcare. They know America spends more on ...
Last Tuesday, 60-year-old Robert A. Letcher showed up for a rally outside a congressional office in Columbus, Ohio, and decided he no longer could just stand there as an angry ...
I have trouble even talking with people about "healthcare reform." The problem is, whenever someone says something like "46 million Americans are uninsured!" ...
Be it the "public option" (that"ll eliminate all other options), the co-opting "co-op," or the make-believe market that is the "insurance exchange": if ...
Van Jones, Obama’s “Green Czar,” finally got booted from the White House. It’s hilarious to see that the Wall Street Journal reported it as such: Van ...