Appetite for Destruction

After having given away billions faster than even the optimists had anticipated, it was announced today that the federal government’s “Cash for Clunkers” program ...

Unspinning the Unemployment Numbers

Last Friday, a headline read: “U.S. Stocks Gain, Treasuries Drop as Unemployment Rate Declines.” Let’s have a look at the reported decline in the ...

“€œExperts”€ Never Learn

There is an inexplicable, but somehow widely held, belief that stock market movements are predictive of economic conditions. As such, the current rally in U.S. stock prices has ...

Our Expiring Economy

Tent cities springing up all over America are filling with the homeless unemployed from the worst economy since the 1930s. While Americans live in tents, the Obama government has ...

The Recession is Finally Over (NOT!)

Have you heard the great news? The recession is over! It's true; I saw it on TV. Why fret about growing unemployment lines when banks are paying big-time bonuses again? Proof of ...

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics

Last week on NPR, a professor in the Sloan School of Management at MIT explained that what is really at stake in the health-care bill is the U.S. government’s ability to ...

No Exit

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed on Monday, and in congressional testimony later in the week, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke reassured all that thanks to his accurate foresight and deft ...

Socialist America Sinking

After half a century of fighting encroachments upon freedom in America, journalist Garet Garrett published “The People’s Pottage.” A year later, in 1954, he ...

Diversity is Strength! It’s Also a Dumbed-Down Navy

”Naval Academy Professor Challenges Rising Diversity,” ran the headline in the Washington Post. The impression left was that some sorehead was griping because black ...

Back in the U.S.S.A.

Harry Browne, the former Libertarian Party candidate for president, used to say: "€œthe government is great at breaking your leg, handing you a crutch, and saying "€˜You see, ...

Got Property?

"€œCrony capitalism"€ is a term often applied to foreign nations where government interference circumvents market forces. The practice is widely associated with tin-pot ...

Obama Should Tell Cali to Drop Dead!

During the height of New York City’s financial crisis in the 1970’s, President Gerald Ford had the good sense to turn down Mayor Abe Beame’s request for a ...

Housing: The Bubble That Hasn”€™t Burst (Yet)

While economists and real estate investors “celebrate” the slight deceleration in the pace of home price declines in the recent data, a quick look at home price ...

Who, Me?

When, during the invasion of Iraq, the United States Government issued its famous deck of playing cards with the 52 arch villains of the Iraqi police state, Saddam Hussein’s ...

Maxed Out

With much fanfare this week, Congress and the Administration began a series of actions designed to protect over-leveraged consumers from the high fees imposed by credit card ...

War Socialism

The key thought that underlies Obama's recovery plan is simple. The cure for severe recession lies in trying to "€œgrow the economy."€ Spending and investment have fallen ...

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