Happy Juneteenth! I hope you all had a lovely week celebrating the nation's newest federal holiday, which commemorates the end of slavery throughout the Confederacy. How could you not? The media was chock-a-block with commentators telling us what a fantastic, transformative event for our nation this was. But the media ignored the best part of all! What Juneteenth commemorates is not technically the abolition of slavery, but the notification thereof to a particular group of slaves. Although President Lincoln officially ended slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation on Jan. 1, 1863, it ...
As everyone knows, or by now ought to know, the only possible explanation of differing outcomes between groups is prejudice, privilege, and oppression by those groups with more favorable outcomes. It ...
The Swedes are a coldhearted people. When a 15-year-old boy was gunned down in a busy square in Malmo recently, a photograph showed that the townspeople had placed only seventeen candles and seven ...
Parkgoers enjoyed a heartwarming spectacle at Disneyland’s Anaheim location last weekend. It all started in extremely implausible circumstances, when a young black man felt that ...
In 1986, my high school drama teacher decided to give me a lesson in humility following a series of outbursts on my part challenging his authority (as arrogant as I may be now, I ...
What’s the deal with white people? [the almost entirely white audience laughs] I mean, right—like, what the hell? [more laughter] Like, I mean, we’ve told nothing BUT ...
Ed Murray, Seattle's überliberal mayor, proposed a 1.75-cent-per-ounce tax on all sugary drinks sold in the city. This would include the sodas plus energy drinks like Red Bull, ...
Regardless of what dog you have in the Ukrainian turmoil, it is clear that Putin's plan is crude, transparent, and guaranteed to anger nearly everyone. Does anyone really believe ...
The curious affair of Fred Mudgeon began in 2015 when he, age 67 and largely blind, walked onto the field of the Washington Miquetoasts, the capital's football team, and announced ...
Amidst the hubris of the pope calling it quits and Miss Delaware relinquishing her sash due to porn allegations, it's important we take a step back and discuss the elephant in the ...
If Harvard geneticist George Church gets his way, we may be seeing Neanderthals in the not-so-distant future"without having to first drink a quart of Old Overcoat. The ...
After the recent electoral debacle, Republican journalists and neocon news pundits have been discussing the roads to recovery for their battered party. One path that I"m sure ...
Ask anyone who has been in law enforcement for a long time what would be his or her dream job, and the answer is invariably "executioner." Not for nothing are drink, ...
Whatever one's views on today's Middle Eastern regimes, we can all agree that violent rioting is not a system of governance. But how can raucous street demonstrations be prevented ...
Conservatives have long waged a seemingly futile campaign to slim down the federal government. Even "conservative" presidents such as George W. Bush fed the monster. But ...
America's energy policy is in shambles. Current green solutions of solar and wind power, like tidal and geothermal power before them, have proved inadequate. We have lots of coal, ...