Conservatism is sometimes criticized as unprincipled, relativistic, or contradictory. This criticism stems from the very nature of conservatism; it is a philosophy rooted ...
William F. Buckley Jr. might have allowed the neoconservative tendency in through the gates at NR, but he never quite surrendered to its charms"opposing, eventually, the war ...
The talk-radio and "conservative movement" Right hates the New York Times much more than it hates John McCain, and the paper's recent dubious reporting on the senator's ...
In the comments to my post “All Your Thoughts Are Belong To Us,” “MS” (an appropriate pseudonym) remarked, “I"ll never understand why liberals ...
Just minutes from now (10:50 A.M. CST, January 22, 2008, as I write this), Norma McCorvey, better known by the name “Jane Roe,” is expected to endorse the only fully ...
So, despite the fervent assurances of true believers in the comments on my posts and Justin’s posts that the Sinclair Lewis quotation was part of a brilliant strategic plan ...
Oh, Justin, Justin, Justin. My friend, I know that you’re too intelligent to be taken in by the likes of Bill Donohue. The same Bill Donohue who said ...
I support Ron Paul, and I intend to vote for him in the Illinois primary. But I had a little different reaction from Justin’s when I watched the clip of the ...
Did Mike Huckabee know what he was doing when he asked an interviewer, “Don"t Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?” If not, then perhaps ...
No, I can’t really afford it. And I know, neither can you. Not really. There are other pressing concerns—overdue taxes, dental work, dog bones, student loans. ...
I interrupt my friendly criticism of Mr. LaTulippe’s article to bring you the breaking news: Pat Robertson Backs Giuliani’s Bid Robertson’s remarks on why he ...
In my younger days, I participated in a bit of political theater. (The Ted Kennedy Swim Team, which waded through a fountain on the Senate side of the Capitol grounds on the ...
Sam Brownback is out, but he’s not down. In a move clearly calculated to maintain his viability as a vice-presidential candidate, he met with Rudy Giuliani on Thursday ...
Robert Novak might not be able to distinguish Thomas Fleming from Thomas Fleming (as the howler in his latest book shows), and he might benefit from a remedial course in ...
In 2004, His Eminence Raymond Burke, archbishop of St. Louis, received a standing ovation from the denizens of St. Blog’s Parish, that loose collection of conservative ...