The Palin Opportunity

That Bill Kristol, neocon bellwether and house intellectual of the McCain-led GOP, would have nice things to say about Sarah Palin, would even have floated her selection as VP two ...

The Palin Temptation

When John McCain announced Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his running-mate on Friday, I had the same reaction as many conservatives—the more I learned about her, the more I ...

The lady has to do better

It is really a shame that Sarah Palin, who reminds me of Donna Reed in "€œIt's a Wonderful Life"€, has already flubbed her first test in standing up to the left. When a ...

The Obama Transformation

Before 85,00 adoring fans, the man of "€œHope"€ and "€œChange"€ finally got down to specifics and told us who he really is and what he really plans to do as president. ...

What if Obama Loses?

DENVER—After the phony roll call vote was taken here to formally nominate Barack Obama—a roll call that did not remotely reflect the true delegate strength of ...

A Catholic Case Against Barack Obama

In the Pennsylvania primary, Barack Obama rolled up more than 90 percent of the African-American vote. Among Catholics, he lost by 40 points. The cool liberal Harvard Law grad was ...

Mr. Obama, Welcome to the NFL

Barack Obama just had the worst week since his beloved pastor, Jeremiah Wright, decided to expatiate on black liberation theology at the National Press Club. Coming off his ...

McCain’s Base

“You go hunting where the ducks are,” said Barry Goldwater. The successor to Barry’s Senate seat apparently believes that ducks come from Mexico and speak ...

McCain is even worse than you thought

Last week I got into a discussion with my older son and a neighbor (who is an economics professor) concerning the social positions of John McCain. My son, who tried to convince us ...

Who Is Barack Obama?

With 68 percent of Americans believing George Bush has done a poor job, and 82 percent saying the country is on the wrong track, the election of 2008 will turn on one issue: ...

A Ron Paul Democrat?

On Tuesday June 10, 2008, something interesting happened here in South Carolina. For the first time in a long itme, an authentically populist conservative won a close race in a ...

Thinking About Obama

After just having read a George Will column suggesting the likelihood of an Obama presidency lasting until 2016, it dawned on me that most observers have not really reflected upon ...

The Personal is the Political

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. ... I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” ...

“€œRace Doesn”€™t Matter”€

Journalists covering the primaries in January characterized Bill Clinton’s “fairy tale” remark as “injecting” race in to the campaign, as if this was ...

Keeping Up With Walter Jones

Challenger Joe McLaughlin was half right in describing the stakes of the North Carolina 3rd Congressional District’s Republican primary: It was, as he told Congressional ...

The Relativist Roots of Libertarianism

Conservatism is sometimes criticized as unprincipled, relativistic, or contradictory.  This criticism stems from the very nature of conservatism; it is a philosophy rooted ...

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